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Strengthening Support to Expand Domestic Demand and Promoting Digital Transformation Banking Industry Deploys 2023 Work Priorities

[摘要]Since the beginning of the year, many banks including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and Bank of Suzhou have held work conferences for 2023 to deploy key tasks for 2023, and the banking and insurance regulatory bureaus in many places have elaborated on the key points of banking supervision in 2023.

Since the beginning of the year, many banks including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and Bank of Suzhou have held work conferences for 2023 to deploy key tasks for 2023, and the banking and insurance regulatory bureaus in many places have elaborated on the key points of banking supervision in 2023.

A reporter from China Securities Journal sorted out and found that increasing support for expanding domestic demand and preventing and defusing risks are important propositions for the development of the banking industry in 2023. From the perspective of asset allocation, Pratt & Whitney small and micro enterprises, manufacturing, and technology innovation enterprises are the key areas that banks will serve in 2023. From the perspective of development strategy, many banks have proposed to accelerate digital transformation and wealth management transformation. At the same time, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau pointed out that it is necessary to improve differentiated credit policies and promote the smooth transition of real estate to a new development model.

  Serving Inclusive Small and Micro Enterprises and Manufacturing Development

In the 2023 work conference, all banks will put serving the real economy in an important position. ICBC proposed that in 2023, it will implement a package of policies and follow-up measures to stabilize the economy, fully support stable growth, stable employment, and stable prices, and give full play to the leading and supporting role of major banks.

“Continue to increase credit supply, continue to connect with structural monetary policy tools, and accurately invest in key areas and weak links such as major projects, manufacturing, technological innovation, green, inclusive, private, agriculture-related, foreign trade and foreign investment, and fully serve’ Guaranteeing property delivery, people’s livelihood, and stability’ will enhance the competitiveness of the consumer loan market and help the overall economic operation improve.” ICBC said.

The Agricultural Bank of China stated that it will strengthen financing and comprehensive services around stabilizing investment and promoting consumption. In particular, we will focus on strengthening supporting financing for infrastructure fund projects, increasing medium and long-term loans for the manufacturing industry, and solidly providing financial services for consumption and people’s livelihood. Effectively transmit monetary policy requirements, continue to focus on financial services in key areas such as inclusive small and micro enterprises, technological innovation, and green development, and improve the coverage and accuracy of financial services. The Agricultural Bank also stated that in 2023, it will deepen and expand financial services for rural revitalization, and give priority to ensuring the rural financial supply in county areas.

The Guangdong Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau proposed that it will guide more financial resources to gather in the mid-to-high-end manufacturing industry, focus on key areas such as the “five major promotion actions” of Guangdong’s manufacturing industry, 20 strategic industrial clusters, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and increase investment in high-tech industries. Credit extension of market entities such as enterprises, “specialized, special and new” small and medium-sized enterprises.

  Strengthen the disposal of non-performing assets

In the context of preventing and defusing financial risks, various banks stated that they should increase efforts to dispose of non-performing assets and improve asset quality.

“Improve the comprehensive risk management system, strengthen credit risk management, and properly handle and resolve risks in key areas such as real estate, local government debt, and small and medium-sized financial institutions.” ICBC said. Guangfa Bank stated that in 2023, it will strengthen comprehensive risk management, strictly prevent large-amount credit risks, strictly control risks in key areas, and strictly manage post-loan management, resolutely curb incremental risks, and resolve non-performing stocks.

For small and medium-sized financial institutions, the local banking and insurance regulatory bureaus have paid a lot of attention. The Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau pointed out that the reform of city commercial banks will continue to be deepened. Accelerate the establishment of the Provincial Rural Commercial Union Bank and lead the reform of the provincial rural cooperative institutions. Steadily promote the reform and reorganization of rural banks. Accelerate the reform of small and medium-sized banks to reduce risks, and make every effort to reduce the number of high-risk institutions. The Shanxi Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau proposed to do a good job in penetrating review of shareholder qualifications and penetrating supervision of shareholder behavior. Urge city commercial banks to standardize their operations and improve quality and efficiency. Steadily promote the deepening reform of rural credit cooperatives to eliminate risks. Steadily promote the reform and reorganization of rural banks.

For the real estate industry, the Beijing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau stated that it will increase efforts to rectify and regulate market chaos. Promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in Beijing. The Henan Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau stated that it will adhere to the positioning of “housing, not speculation”, improve differentiated credit policies, and support the smooth transition of the real estate industry to a new development model.

  Accelerating Wealth Management and Digital Transformation

Regarding the development strategy for 2023, various banks still propose a number of measures around wealth management and digital transformation.

China Merchants Bank stated that it must firmly transform, strengthen capital-heavy businesses, optimize asset structure, and improve asset pricing capabilities; expand capital-light businesses, including agency sales, asset management investment (investment banking) funds (financial markets), and custody Wealth management business; deal with the balance of importance and achieve a leading model.

“Continue to promote innovation and reform in key areas, accelerate the construction of Digital ICBC (D-ICBC), focus on basic projects with GBC+ as the core, iteratively upgrade ECOS technology, and better stimulate creative vitality and growth momentum.” ICBC said.

In terms of specific work measures, China Guangfa Bank stated that it will pay close attention to improving the quality and increase of liability business, focusing on expanding the scale of core deposits, and effectively reducing the rigid target of interest rate, so as to effectively improve the quality of deposit growth. Pay close attention to increasing income and efficiency in all lines, and tap the potential for income increase outside of the traditional deposit and loan business through bank full-asset management and customer full-asset management.

Dong Ximiao, a part-time researcher at Fudan University’s Institute of Finance, analyzed that in 2023, banking and insurance institutions should increase their services to the real economy, and should focus on two aspects: “precision” and “powerfulness”. “Precision” means to increase targeted “blood transfusion” in key areas and weak links, implement precise drip irrigation, and optimize the credit structure. For example, guide financial institutions to develop science and technology innovation finance and green finance, and increase support for key areas such as technological innovation and green development. “Strong” means to maintain a steady growth in the total amount of credit, send a clear signal to the market of steady growth and expansion of domestic demand, vigorously boost market confidence, and stimulate effective financing demand.

Editor: Zhang Jiaqi

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