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Strengthening Cyber Resilience: Insights from the Fifth Cyber ​​Security Forum in Stuttgart

[21.9.2023] How can companies and municipalities protect themselves from cyber attacks? What does it take to strengthen your own cyber resilience? These and other questions could be discussed with experts on site or online at the fifth Cyber ​​Security Forum in Stuttgart.

Cyber ​​attacks pose an ever-increasing risk to the economic strength of companies and to the functioning of municipalities, which are increasingly becoming victims of cyber criminals. At the fifth Cyber ​​Security Forum in the state of Baden-Württemberg, the focus was on the topic of cyber resilience. More than 800 guests were welcomed to the IHK Region Stuttgart premises on site and online, as reported by the state’s Ministry of the Interior.
The event focused on five specific points for greater cyber resilience. Cyber ​​security must be a top priority and requires human and financial investments. It is also important to constantly check protection and actively look for and eliminate weak points in your own systems. It is also important to train and raise awareness among employees. “In order to strengthen our cyber resilience together, companies and authorities alike need a higher level of risk awareness, an even greater willingness to work together and professional security of IT systems that is always kept up to date,” emphasized Bruno Kahl, President of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND), in his keynote.

Consulting offers in preparation

The Ministry of the Interior and the Cybersecurity Agency of Baden-Württemberg (CSBW) are currently preparing targeted offers to specifically address management levels in authorities, municipalities and also in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). A consulting concept is currently being tested to support SMEs in the future with a low-threshold consulting service on cyber security together with local partners. The concept is already in the pilot phase, in which around 50 companies and four chambers of commerce are taking part. After successful testing, the plan is to implement it across the board.
The cybersecurity agency Baden-Württemberg offers Cyber-Ersthilfe BW, a telephone consultation service which, in addition to prevention, also helps those affected, especially state and local government institutions, but also companies, to deal with cyber security incidents or suspected cases (we reported) . Those affected can, for example, contact the CSBW via the telephone advice service, Cyber-First Aid BW. This is available around the clock. (together)


Keywords: congresses, trade fairs, Baden-Württemberg, Cyber ​​Security Forum

Image source: Steffen Schmidt

2023-09-20 22:03:09
#BadenWürttemberg #Cyber #Security #Forum #Commune21

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