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Strengthening America in the face of Asia: what AMLO talked about with US congressmen

AMLO and the Mexican Foreign Ministry with Senators Tim Kaine, Rob Portman, John Hoeven, Mike Crapo and Ben Ray Luján, and the Charge d’Affaires, John Creamer (Photo: Twitter / @lopezobrador_)

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, detailed the conversation he held this Monday night with the US Democratic and Republican senators Tim Kaine, Rob Portman, John Hoeven, Mike Crapo y Ben Ray Lujan.

“US they asked for a conversation to get our point of view on various issues …

It was a cordial, friendly conversation. I think it was an interesting meeting on how to strengthen North America and our America against other regions of the world, how to integrate, with respect for our sovereignties, to enhance everything we have in America; natural resources, workforce, technology, internal market, to balance that America does not lag behind in the face of the evident, noticeable advance of Asia ”, revealed the Mexican president.

Information in development …

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