Books Ibrahim Qassem – Omnia wave
Saturday, May 06, 2023 11:47 PM
I ordered Public Prosecution Today, the sixth of May, a street vendor was imprisoned for four days pending investigations for selling and trading spoiled drinks in places that do not meet the hygiene requirements, and before obtaining a health certificate from the competent authority, and thus causing the poisoning of three hundred and eighty-two people in Qena Governorate after they ate a drink (ice cream). ) that he prepared for them, in addition to practicing a profession without obtaining a license from the competent authority, and deputizing the food inspector to take a sample of the drinks for analysis, and to indicate its suitability for human consumption.
Yesterday, Friday, corresponding to the fifth of May, the Public Prosecution Office received a notification from the Abu Chit Police Station, stating that a number of injured people had arrived at Abu Chit Central Hospital, and they had symptoms of poisoning after consuming a drink they bought from a street vendor.
Immediately, the Public Prosecution initiated the investigation and formed a team of its members that moved to question the injured in three hospitals, and it became clear that their injuries were in a state of fatigue, abdominal pain, vomiting, and imbalance. The Public Prosecution asked eleven patients who were present, some of their families, and the medical team treating them, and their accounts of their feeling of fatigue were combined. After they ate a drink (ice cream), which they ate from a street vendor in a market, and by asking the treating medical team, it was found that the necessary medical measures were taken against the injured, and that most of them were discharged after their conditions improved.
And where the police managed to seize the accused with four barrels inside containing the drink that he sold to the injured, the Public Prosecution interrogated him about the accusations against him, but he denied them, and added that he used to sell (ice cream) thirty years ago without incidents similar to what happened, and the investigations confirmed that the accused committed the incident, so the Public Prosecution ordered He was imprisoned, and the investigation is still underway.
2023-05-06 20:47:00
#Public #Prosecution #orders #imprisonment #seller #poisoned #people #Qena