Home » today » Health » Streaming Link Watch A Giant Asteroid Approaching Earth Tomorrow, Its Size is 2 Times the Height of Monas!

Streaming Link Watch A Giant Asteroid Approaching Earth Tomorrow, Its Size is 2 Times the Height of Monas!

ZONABANTEN.com – Link streaming watch asteroid giant approaching earth will take place tomorrow, tomorrow Tuesday 22 February 2022.-

Streaming links to watch an asteroid approaching Earth are available at the end of the article. Don’t forget to witness this rare moment.

Moreover, asteroids giant which will approach the earth tomorrow has a size of two very large, reaching twice the height Monas.-

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The asteroid was named 1999 VF22 with code 455176. As the name implies, the space rock was first detected by humans in November 1999.

NASA (United States Space Agency) has included the asteroid on the list of Potentially Hazardous Objects.

Because the size is very large. The exact size is not known, because the surface is dark and not reflective.

However, astronomers estimate its size to be between 623 and 1,410 feet. The longest diameter is about 430 meters.

The most accurate observations in 2019 put it at about 738 feet in diameter, or about 225 meters, or nearly twice the height Monas in Jakarta.-

“Even at its smallest possible size, the asteroid would leave a dent the size of a city on earth if it entered the atmosphere,” wrote the Daily Star.

“That is why (the asteroid) is on NASA’s list of Potentially Dangerous Objects,” continued the report released on Wednesday, February 16, 2022.

If the space rock catches the Earth’s gravity, then the consequences will fall on the planet and cause a major catastrophe.

Therefore, astronomers are watching the movement of the asteroid as it glides toward Earth in recent times.

Moreover, reports say the city-destroying asteroid will be hurtling in its closest approach to Earth in the last century.

Fortunately, astronomers have predicted that the object will miss the earth, because it will most likely just pass.

Astronomers estimate the asteroid will safely pass through Earth at a distance of 3,334,000 miles, and certainly will not destroy a city.

That distance is called close in astronomy. However, that’s about 14 times the distance between the earth and the moon, so it’s nothing to worry about.

The moment of the arrival of this rare asteroid will also be broadcast live online as it passes through the earth, so you can watch it.

Streaming link to watch asteroids giant it’s when it approaches the earth tomorrow, it can be clicked HERE.

The live streaming will start at 00.00 UTC, or exactly at 07.00 WIB.

The next opportunity for an asteroid to be in its closest approach to Earth will occur on February 23, 2150, or 128 years from now.***

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