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Streamer aired an hour from the new Rainbow Six »Vortex

They started appearing about a month ago indisputable evidencethat the Ubisoft developers have launched a closed part of testing the expected sequel to the Rainbow Six series, which was introduced at E3 2019 with the subtitle Quarantine. A few seconds of footage and one screenshot leaked to the public, making the community think the release might not be too far away. And while the developers have not brought any new information since the end of February, the current leak of hours of playing the new Rainbow Six strengthens the belief in the upcoming launch. However, it is difficult to judge how much it is escape and to what extent it was a completely deliberate action of a streamer with the nickname M3ga.m007.gaming. During the weekend, unscrupulously and the only one to broadcast matches in the upcoming game, despite comments from other streamers that it violates the signed confidentiality agreement.

The broadcast took place on facebook page of the mentioned streamer last Saturday afternoon, from where the whole transmission was mirrored on Twitch. It was the second of the mentioned services that struck with the expected force, ended the stream and banned the channel. The paradox is that the streamer only learned about the ban from a chat on Facebook and he certainly did not hide his surprise. While others tapped on the forehead, M3ga.m007.gaming asked how this was possible, citing Ubisoft’s developers allowing it to stream. However, other streamers, who visited the discussion and explained that Ubisoft’s approach is exactly the opposite, were reluctant to believe this. “Do you know what the NDA is? They told us that WE SHOULD NOT STREAM OR SHARE PICTURES, “wrote Cassey Jo Propst, and others confirmed the same information. That they are right and not the culprit of the whole incident is then quite obvious, given that Ubisoft did not officially share any information about the ongoing test and did not comment on the game in any way.

As for the content of the sample, which we divided into three videos in this article, we can point out, for example, the sharing of some operators from the Rainbow Six Siege. In the game, they use the attributes of speed and equipment, as well as special gadgets, most often in the form of drones that detect the movement of enemies, or allow remote shooting. The structure of the missions is relatively straightforward and consists in completing a given task, such as obtaining a sample of infected enemies bearing the Archæan designation. The game puts the player at heart to try to apply a silent approach, but there are no limits to the shooting, and you can watch a series of shootouts in the stream, corresponding in nature to the previous Rainbow Six Siege. At the same time, the team of players should be able to determine for themselves whether they want to go through the entire offered location and thus encounter harder resistance and better rewards, or at any time use one of the escape points and leave without further risk with what they have already gained. And if it surprises you that there was no team game in the stream, it probably has something to do with the NDA violation – at one point, the streamer gets a message that he was due to cheating denied access to matchmaking.

The last issue that is being addressed in connection with the stream is the dispute over the full name of the game, which is already indicated in the introduction. Rainbow Six Quarantine is easy during pandemics and quarantines does not fit and Parasite could be a suitable alternative. However, as Ubisoft’s representatives said a month ago, Parasite is not a final version, and it also appears in the stream with a warning that it is still just a working title. However, some media no longer say otherwise to the game and it is likely that the name will persist after the officiality is completed. But it doesn’t change anything fundamental about the whole situation and we are honestly curious how the new part of Rainbow Six will perform.

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