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Strategies for Growing Corn in a Challenging Climate

Tonight, at the Rural Association’s fairgrounds and within the framework of the Chivilcoy Rural Expo 2024, the fourth day of technical talks that have been attracting producers, technicians and agricultural enthusiasts from the region will be held. The meeting room is at the fairgrounds located on National Route 5, where agricultural engineer Máximo Andrés Orozco, representative of Brevant, will be in charge of a keynote presentation on “Corn crop management and strategies for the climate forecast in the region.”

The topic of this talk is especially relevant given the growing climatic uncertainty facing the agricultural region, with forecasts indicating variability in rainfall and possible episodes of extreme temperatures that could affect crop yields. Orozco, who has vast experience in the implementation of agronomic strategies adapted to adverse climatic conditions, will share with attendees his comprehensive approach to optimize the management of corn, one of the most important crops in the area.

The engineer will address not only technical aspects of corn management, such as the choice of hybrids, planting density and fertilization, but also how to adjust these practices based on climate forecasts. Adaptability and real-time decision-making will be some of the axes around which his presentation will revolve, emphasizing the importance of flexibility in agricultural planning.

This event is sponsored by the company Sumidas, which has representation in Chivilcoy of Sebastián Falcone, Rubén López and José Taverna, who has been a pillar in supporting local producers through the provision of inputs and first-line technical advice. Sumidas’ commitment to innovation and sustainability in agricultural production is a reflection of the value that the company places on continuing education and the adoption of new technologies in the field.

The talk is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. and a large participation of the agricultural community is expected, which has shown a growing interest in the activities proposed during this week at the Rural Expo. Admission is free and open to the public, which encourages attendance, not only by those directly involved in the sector, but also by students and professionals in training who seek to expand their knowledge of advanced agricultural practices.

The Chivilcoy Rural Expo continues to consolidate itself as a meeting and learning space for all the actors in the agro-industrial sector of the region, and this technical talk promises to be one of the highlights of the event. With the presence of experts such as engineer Máximo Andrés Orozco and the support of committed companies such as Sumidas, tonight’s event will be a valuable opportunity to acquire practical and applicable knowledge in the next agricultural campaign.

A separate detail, the classic gastronomy of Sumidas’ talks, with the professional quality of Paula Bertone, always expected by the regular attendees of this company’s talks.

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