Home » today » News » Strategic environmental assessments (Ees) of plans for the protection of the atmosphere of the territories of Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Clermont (dreal-pricae-2021-ees_ppa, DREAL AUVERGNE RHONE ALPES

Strategic environmental assessments (Ees) of plans for the protection of the atmosphere of the territories of Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne and Clermont (dreal-pricae-2021-ees_ppa, DREAL AUVERGNE RHONE ALPES

Contract notice
Publishing Department (s): 69, 1, 38, 42, 43, 63
Advert No 21-86294

Object of the contract : in order to meet regulatory requirements relating to plans and programs, in particular those set by article L.122-4 of the environment code, and with regard to the observations made by the environmental authority on the PPA for the Vallée de the arve, the atmospheric protection plans (Ppa) of the territories of Lyon (Rhône, Ain, Isère, Loire), Grenoble (Isère), Stéphanois (Loire and Haute-Loire) and Clermont (Puy-De-Dôme) in their third version (PPA 3) will be the subject, in a systematic manner, of an environmental assessment. this contract concerns the production of these strategic environmental assessments (ESA) for each of these four PPAs and the taking into account of the opinion of the environmental authority. To this end, the holder will be in charge of collecting the data useful for the preparation of these assessments, the preparation and drafting of environmental reports (the content of which is set out in article R.122-20 of the environmental code), identifying and drafting changes to be made to the aforementioned plans in order to ensure a high level of environmental protection and promote sustainable development and the preparation of briefs in response to observations made by the environmental authority (General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development). “.
Place of performance: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.-
Main Features :

within the framework of this contract, the mission entrusted to the holder consists of carrying out environmental assessments of the four PPAs currently being revised (Lyon, Grenoble, Stéphanois and Clermont territories), ie by:
1- the production, at the scale of each PPA, of an environmental report meeting the requirements of R.122-20 of the environment code;
2- the identification of changes to be made to the various aforementioned PPAs in order to ensure a high level of environmental protection and promote sustainable development;
3- the preparation of the referral to the environmental authority;
4- taking into account the opinion formulated by the latter via the production of the brief in response and the integration of the induced modifications
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and scope (works): under this contract, the contractor must produce at the scale of each of the 4 PPPs:
1) An environmental report – this report must meet the requirements of directive 2001/42 / ce as well as article R.122-20 of the environment code. It will integrate, where appropriate, the assessment of the impacts on Natura 2000 sites.
intermediate versions will be expected in particular during the mission:
1-a) at the end of the consolidation of the initial state of the environment;
1-b) once the plan’s environmental impacts have been described (this version will be accompanied by proposals for measures to avoid, reduce, compensate for the negative impacts of the plan on the environment and additional drafting to be provided in each PPP);
1-C) after the identification of the monitoring system (consolidated version).
2) a file containing all the documents required in application of article R.122-21 of the environment code
3) a note comprising a problematized synthesis of the observations of the environmental authority and the proposals that it deems useful to take into account in the PPA and / or in the environmental report
4) a brief in response to the opinion of the environmental authority which will clearly present the elements which have been modified following the opinion of the environmental authority or the arguments allowing to respond to the remarks and proposals of the environmental authority.
its mission will also include the preparation and participation in several meetings identified in the breakdown of the overall and fixed price.
Refusal of variants.

Duration of the contract or time limit for completion: 12 months from the notification of the market.
Provisional start date for services (supplies / services): September 1, 2021.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: the financing of the service is provided by the state. The contract will be charged to the Bop174 and to the financial center 0174-clim-e063.
the services covered by the contract are regulated by a fixed overall price (firm, updatable prices). This price will include all the services and interventions necessary until the completion of the mission. The terms of the contract will be in accordance with articles 11 and 12 of the ccag pi. In particular, payment will be made at the end of the following phases:
A) submission of the environmental report integrating the observations of the DREAL and the referral file to the environmental authority;
B) submission of the brief in response integrating the observations of Dreal.
An advance will be paid, if applicable, under the conditions of articles R2391-1 to 19 of the CCP, r 2193-17 to 21 of the CCP (subcontracting), it is set at 20% of the initial amount (including VAT) of the contract.
the overall period for payment of advances, down payments, balance and indemnities is set at 30 days.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: the contract will be concluded:
A) either with a single service provider;
B) or with grouped service providers.
Applications and offers will be entirely written in French as well as the associated presentation documents.
Currency unit used, the euro.

Justifications to be produced as to the qualities and capacities of the candidate:

Documents to be produced in support of the candidacies by the candidate, at the choice of the public purchaser:
– Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the supplies, services or works covered by the contract, carried out during the last three financial years available;
– Statement indicating the candidate’s average annual workforce and the number of supervisory staff for each of the last three years;
– Presentation of a list of the principal supplies or the principal services carried out during the last three years, indicating the amount, the date and the public or private recipient. Deliveries and services are proven by certificates from the recipient or, failing this, by a declaration from the economic operator;
– Form DC1, Letter of application – Authorization of the representative by his co-contractors (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat);
– Form DC2, Declaration of the individual candidate or member of the consortium (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat);
– Form DC 4, Declaration of subcontracting (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-candidat-dc1-dc2-dc3-dc4).
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO

Award criteria:
Economically most advantageous tender assessed on the basis of the criteria set out below with their weighting.
– price criterion: 40%;
– technical value of the offer (3 sub-criteria: proposed methodology and schedule (45%) – means and professional capacities of the teams mobilized (45%) – coherence and readability of the proposal (10%)): 60%.

Type of procedure: adapted procedure.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: July 23, 2021, at 12 noon.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 90 days from the deadline for receipt of tenders.

Other informations :
Reference number attributed to the contract by the contracting authority / contracting entity: dreal-pricae-2021-EES_PPA.

Further information : the backup copy, provided for in article R 2132-11 of the CCP, must be placed in a sealed envelope with the following information: legible “backup copy”.
[copie de sauvegarde
dreal Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Service Prévention des Risques Industriels Climat-Air-Energie
5 place Jules Ferry
69453 LYON Cedex 06
04 26 28 60 00
offre pour la production des évaluations environnementales stratégiques (Ees) des plans de protection de l’atmosphère des territoires lyonnais, grenoblois, stéphanois et clermontois (dreal-pricae-2021-ees_ppa)
nom du candidat ou des membres du groupement candidat(*) :
” ne pas ouvrir “].

Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: June 23, 2021.

Address from which administrative and technical information can be obtained:
Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/.
Address from which documents can be obtained:
Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=780071&orgAcronyme=d4t.

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