18-year-old actor Noah Schnapp, who in the series “Netflix” “Stranger things” plays Will Byers, who has publicly announced that he is gay.
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A young man posted an eight-second video on the ‘TikTok’ website, revealing to his more than 30 million followers that he is gay. For a long time she did not dare to tell her relatives openly, but when he did, it turned out that people close to him knew about it for a long time.
For many of his fans, “coming out” is new, but just as many, judging by the comments under the video, are not. Schnapp’s character Will is also in the popular cult series LGBTQ member.
Schnapp, 18, freshman at the University of Pennsylvania.
video/7185289110133820715" data-video-id="7185289110133820715" style="max-width: 605px;min-width: 325px;">I guess I’m more like Will than I thought