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strange vials found in their belongings

They were found among the clothes placed in a container in Charente-Maritime. The investigators do not exclude the track of drug trafficking, but their relatives are not convinced.

Still no trace of Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kevin Trompat. Nearly two months after their disappearance in Prahecq in the Deux-Sèvres, several hypotheses are being studied by the investigators. While belongings belonging to the couple were found in a container in Puyravault, Charente-Maritime, the police are moving more towards the criminal track.

Among the items found, clothes, toiletries and shoes, but also other more disturbing items: an amount of 600 euros in cash, as well as two strange vials containing a liquid resembling drugs, reports Release.

Leslie and Kevin would he have been taken to task in the context of drug trafficking? The hypothesis is in any case not ruled out by the authorities, according to our colleagues.

“They weren’t drug addicts”

In addition, the evening of his disappearance, the young man had on him 10,000 euros in cash, as reported by his mother-in-law in early January. He would also have exposed himself on social networks with this money, an element constituting a motive for a kidnapping.

Even more disturbing: during a hunt organized on January 5, the purse of Kevin’s mother-in-law disappears, and the home she shares with the young man’s father is robbed. Near Releasethe family of the disappeared assures however that these elements are not linked to the kidnapping.

For those close to the couple, however, the drug trafficking trail does not hold water. “They weren’t drug addicts… Even us, the friends, we don’t believe in these deal stories”, declares, still with our colleagues, a friend of Leslie.

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