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Strange open lead sarcophagi discovered under Notre Dame – Curiosi – Il Mondo – NOVA News

Archaeologists in protective gear have opened the two strange lead sarcophagi found buried under Notre Dame in Paris. After the famous cathedral was razed in 2019, a number of incredible artifacts were discovered under the rubble. Among them were two unusual lead sarcophagi buried under the cathedral hundreds of years ago.

Notre Dame could open its doors as early as 2024.

Carefully opening the sarcophagi wearing protective clothing because of the lead, researchers from the University of Toulouse discovered the remains of two wealthy men. One of the bodies has been identified as Antoine de la Porte, thanks to an epitaph that has remained largely intact over time. “This is the body of M. Antoine de la Porte, canon,” reads the epitaph. “He died December 24, 1710, aged 83. Rest in peace.”

The coffin was made of lead to help preserve the body, a ritual only available to the wealthy of the time. However, the coffin was damaged and the body was in an advanced state of decomposition. Only bones, hair and a few fragments of tissue have been preserved. The bones show evidence of a sedentary lifestyle and gout, a disease sometimes caused by excessive consumption of food and alcohol, archaeologists said.

Ancient sarcophagus discovered under Notre Dame

De la Porte was a canon, according to archaeologists, which explains the location of his coffin under the central part of the basilica, usually reserved for important people. During his lifetime he was influential and wealthy, he commissioned several paintings which are now exhibited in the Louvre and paid for the repairs of the cathedral itself.

The identity of the occupant of the second sarcophagus, however, remains a mystery. The body appears to be that of a man between the ages of 25 and 40 who may have been riding since childhood. Leaves and flowers were found on the skull and abdomen. Although he was laid to rest in a part of the cathedral that suggests importance or prominence, it is not yet known who he was, nor in what century he lived. His bones show signs of chronic disease, while most of his teeth were destroyed before his death. Scientists have also found signs of a deformed skull. Currently dubbed “The Cavalryman,” archaeologists still hope they can identify the body.

“If the date of his death was around the second half of the 16th century or the beginning of the 17th century, we might be able to identify him in the death register we have,” lead scientist Christophe Besnier told a news conference. “If he had died earlier, we probably never would have known who he was.” “The knight’s skull was cut open and his chest was opened to be embalmed,” said professor of biological anthropology at the University of Toulouse, Eric Crubesy. it was a common practice among the nobility after the mid-16th century,” he added.

For now, experts believe the cause of his death could be chronic meningitis due to tuberculosis. The team will continue to examine the bodies and will publish more findings in the coming months.

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