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Strange Moment: Vladimir Putin Looks for His Watch at Meeting

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin appears to have forgotten which wrist his watch is on.

While Kremlin propaganda is making fun of the US President, something is wrong with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. A strange moment with the head of Russia was caught on video.

Footage available at Telegram channel “Ukraine 365”.

The incident happened on August 22 at a meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects, in which Putin took part via video link. In the middle of the meeting, Putin unexpectedly raised his left hand to his face and looked at his empty wrist for a couple of seconds. Finding nothing there, he lowered his hand, twisting his lips.

The web is actively discussing the oddity that happened to the dictator of the Russian Federation. Most agreed that the 70-year-old Russian leader simply forgot which hand he has his watch on. Some took this as proof of rumors that Putin’s health is not all right.

What’s up with grandpa? Looks the most creepy!


And our propagandists laugh at Biden! Look at ours!

Evidence that old people should not stay in power.

Here are the rogues, they have already cut the clock, Putin thought. It’s amazing how he hasn’t gouged out his own eye with a pen.

It can be seen that grandfather is under severe stress. Concentration problems are the first symptom“- write the commentators.

Earlier, Dialog.UA reported that Putin is afraid of fish and swims in a huge net-pool on his yacht.

We also wrote that a man resembling Putin visited the headquarters of the SVO group in Rostov-on-Don.

Author: Tatyana Shevchenko

2023-08-22 17:32:35
#Whats #grandpa #Putins #strange #act #caught #video

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