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strange fluorescent blue pimples appear on a child’s skull

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A 6-year-old boy comes to a dermatology clinic with his parents. The scene takes place in Hangzhou, China.. The child does not stop scratching his head and for good reason, he has had a rash for more than three months cutaneous on the face and on the skull. The itching are so intense that he is losing his hair in patches. At first glance, it only seems to suffer froma skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis.

But two signs lead doctors on another track. The boy has lymph nodes in the neck
The lymph node is supplied with lymph and capillary vessels. Measuring 5 to 20 mm, the lymph nodes…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/5/1/3/513006c3ca_90323_shutterstock-image-point-fr- 01.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/health/definitions/human-body-lymph-ganglion-15732/” data-more=”Read more”>lymph nodes located just behind the ears swollen, a sign that it is an infection. But above all, the pimples that dot his skull glow fluorescent blue when viewed under the white light.
Visible light wavelengths range from about 380 nm (violet) to 780 nm (red). The visible spectrum is…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/b/6/9/b697a0c09f_85912_lumiere.jpg” data-url=”https:// www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/definitions/physics-light-326/” data-more=”Read more”>light UV. Le diagnostic there is no doubt then: the boy presents a ringworm capillary (tinea). This term encompasses a variety of very different species, whether prokaryotes (bacteria) or eukaryotes (yeasts, algae)….” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences. com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/1/7/5/1753fd009d_50035172_escherichia-coli-microorganism-ars-wikimedia-03.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/health/definitions/biology -micro-organism-6183/” data-more=”Read more”>microorganism who originated it.

On the left, the blue pimples on the child's scalp and on the right, the microscopic fungus responsible for his condition.  © Tingting Wang et al.  NEJM

A little fungus in the hair

A small sample of hair dipped in hydroxide potassium will reveal the culprit. The sample is passed under a Technique
The optical microscope uses light. It has two lenses:
the lens, to enlarge the object you wish to observe (there is…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/9/f/0 /9f039a0c7a_50035913_gram-coloration-anthrax-dr.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/health/definitions/medicine-optical-microscope-7773/” data-more=”Read more” >optical microscope and the doctors observe small blue organisms, segmented in the shape of worms. It is not a bacterium or a parasite but hyphae are more less branched filaments consisting of a single cell that can measure several…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/8 /8/c/88c65b114d_50035046_hyphe-mushroom-david-gregory-debbie-marshall-wellcome-images-cc-nc-nd.jpg” data-url=”https://www.futura-sciences.com/health/definitions/ biology-hypha-5904/” data-more=”Read more”>hyphe d’a microscopic fungus from the dermaphyte family: Microsporum dog. L’species is confirmed by tests of molecular biology.

As its name suggests, Microsporum canis infect the dogs, but also cats and other pets. the mushroom is responsible for 90% of cases of ringworm contracted by our four-legged friends. Animals infect humans, especially children under 12, through direct contact or via fungus-carrying hairs. M. canis attacks the keratin which forms the hair, thus causing a alopecia sometimes irreversible. L’inflammation local that it provokes assaults theepidermis which peels.

The young patient was therefore infected by a contaminated animal, but his family does not have any pets. On the other hand, he could have been in contact with a dog during a stay in the countryside a few months earlier and which coincided with the appearance of the first symptoms. Dermatophytosis can be treated with molecules How do antifungals work?
A…” data-image=”https://cdn.futura-sciences.com/buildsv6/images/midioriginal/0/2/2/02275f436a_50034471_antifungal-phovoir.jpg” data-url=”https://www .futura-sciences.com/health/definitions/antifungal-medicine-2994/” data-more=”Read more”>antifungals – here terbinafine orally and in topical cream – which prevent the synthesis of the main constituent of plasma membrane of the fungus, which is essential for its survival. All’s well that ends well for the young patient since six weeks of treatment allowed him to get rid of the infection and he did not relapse.

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