Home » today » News » Strandzha will not become a nuclear waste dump – 2024-08-19 10:12:36

Strandzha will not become a nuclear waste dump – 2024-08-19 10:12:36

There is no designated area in the Strandzha area to deposit spent nuclear fuel from the Kozloduy NPP.

This is clear from the answer of the official energy minister, after a question asked by the people’s representatives from “Vazrazhdane” Boris Aladzhov and Zvezdelina Karavelova.

Vladimir Malinov explained that there is no specific technology according to which the repository in question will be built and explained that the process must be consistent with the possible dangers for people and the environment and is subject to an environmental assessment.

Boris Aladzhov insisted that a commitment be made that when a location for the repository is determined, it will not be in the area of ​​Strandzha Planina.

Malinov replied that from a purely geological point of view, Northern Bulgaria is the most suitable potential area for the construction of a repository for the deep storage of spent nuclear fuel.

“There is also the possibility that they will be reprocessed in other countries that have the potential to extract components from the spent fuel for reuse in reactor installations. I advise you to think about the second option, because, regardless of which region of Bulgaria is chosen, the local population will be dissatisfied and the decision will meet with fierce resistance”, Aladzhov pointed out during the parliamentary control.

Minister Malinov announced that the Ministry of Energy is conducting an active policy of monitoring the development process of similar storage facilities on the territories of other countries, and his team has information that Finland, Sweden, France and Switzerland have plans to build similar facilities.

Until now, however, they do not have such depots.

Burgas People’s Representatives from “Vazrazhdane” will continue to fight and prevent Strandzha from becoming a dump for nuclear waste, after the rulers terminated the contract with Russia and it no longer has a commitment to accept back the spent nuclear fuel, as was the case until now .

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