Home » today » News » Stormy Weather Warning in Northern Japan on October 5th; Heat Returns in Kanto Region; High Wave Warning for Okinawa and Sakishima Islands due to Typhoon No. 14

Stormy Weather Warning in Northern Japan on October 5th; Heat Returns in Kanto Region; High Wave Warning for Okinawa and Sakishima Islands due to Typhoon No. 14

Stormy weather warning for northern Japan on the 5th tomorrow; heat returns in Kanto region; high wave warning for Okinawa and Sakishima Islands due to Typhoon No. 14

October 04, 2023 18:07

Tomorrow, the 5th, a developing low pressure system will pass over northern Japan. Hokkaido and Tohoku need to be careful of heavy rain, strong winds, and high waves. It will be sunny from Kanto to Kyushu, and summer will return to the Kanto and Tokai regions. Areas facing the Sea of ​​Japan, such as Hokuriku and the Sanin area, are cloudy and rainy in some places. Okinawa continues to be affected by Typhoon No. 14, and caution is required against high waves.

Tomorrow, the 5th, it will be sunny in the Kanto and Tokai regions and the chilly weather will be gone. Summer days will return.

Today, the 4th, it was cloudy and rainy on the Pacific side of the Kanto, Tokai, and Tohoku regions, making it difficult for temperatures to rise. The daytime temperature in central Tokyo was below 20 degrees Celsius, and it was as chilly as early November.

It felt like the season had progressed all at once, but it looks like the sunshine and heat will return in the Kanto region tomorrow, the 5th.

Tomorrow, the 5th, it will be sunny and the temperature will rise from Kanto to Kyushu towards the Pacific Ocean. Temperatures will rise significantly on the Pacific side of the Kanto, Tokai, and Tohoku regions compared to today on the 4th, and it is likely to be a summer day with maximum temperatures of 25°C or higher over a wide area. Even if you spent the 4th day wearing long sleeves today, the weather will be so hot that you will be able to wear only short sleeves again for the 5th day tomorrow. Please take care of your health as there will be a large difference in temperature.

There are a lot of clouds on the Sea of ​​Japan side, such as Hokuriku and the Sanin area, and the wind will feel cold considering the temperature numbers. It’s a good idea to have a long-sleeved layer to wear during the day.

Tomorrow, the 5th, a low pressure system and front will pass through northern Japan, and after that it will become the first “winter type” of the season.

Tomorrow the 5th and the 6th will be very stormy, especially in northern Japan.

A low pressure system will form in the Sea of ​​Japan on the night of today, the 4th. Tomorrow, the 5th, a developing low pressure system will pass near Hokkaido, and the front will move southward over the Tohoku and Hokuriku regions. Warm, humid air will flow from the south toward the front, while strong cold air with temperatures below -21°C is expected to move southward at around 5,500 meters above northern Japan. As a result, atmospheric conditions will be extremely unstable from the 5th to the 6th tomorrow.

Northern Japan is expected to gradually change to a winter-like atmospheric pressure pattern of high in the west and low in the east for the first time this season. Looking at the forecast weather map for the morning of the 6th, the spacing between the isobars has become quite narrow, and westerly or northerly winds will be stronger, especially in northern Japan and Hokuriku.

Northern Japan will experience severe winter weather starting tomorrow, the 5th.

In Hokkaido and Tohoku, the weather will become progressively rougher from late evening on the 4th. Heavy rain is expected to occur intermittently with thunderstorms, resulting in heavy rain in some places.
The wind will rapidly increase in the evening on the 5th, and there is a risk of “very strong winds” blowing into the 6th. “Very strong winds” are winds that are so dangerous that you cannot stand without holding on to something.
In Hokkaido and Tohoku, the rain and wind will rapidly increase from the 5th tomorrow onwards, and there is a risk of warning-level heavy rain or warning-level storms. Winds will also become stronger in Hokuriku, including Niigata Prefecture. It is best to refrain from going out as much as possible during stormy weather.

Also, the sea is expected to be rough. From around the 6th, please be careful of strong winds and high waves in the Sea of ​​Japan side of Tohoku, Hokuriku, and Hokkaido. Areas near the coast are extremely dangerous, so please do not approach them unnecessarily.

Today, the 4th, the first snow cap was observed at Mt. Asahidake in Hokkaido’s Daisetsuzan Mountain Range, marking the first snowfall in Japan this season. (9 days later than normal, 1 day earlier than last year)
Strong cold air is moving south, and from around the 7th it will snow in some places in the high altitude mountains of Hokuriku and Hokkaido, and we may receive new winter news such as the first snowfall.

Okinawa/Sakishima Islands warned of high waves through tomorrow 5th

Typhoon No. 14, a large and extremely strong typhoon, is moving westward south of Okinawa. It will move westward south of Okinawa and move into the Taiwan Strait by tomorrow, the 5th.

The coastal waters of the Sakishima Islands are swelled and rough.
The typhoon will gradually move away from Okinawa, but the effects of high waves will continue.
Please be on alert for high waves in the Miyakojima region until late at night on the 4th today, and in the Yaeyama region until noon on the 5th tomorrow.

Expected wave height on the 4th (all with swells)
Sakishima Islands 7 meters
Okinawa main island region 5 meters
Daitojima region 3 meters

Expected wave height on the 5th (all with swells)
Sakishima Islands 6 meters
Okinawa main island region 4 meters
Daitojima region 3 meters

The sea is dangerous, so please continue to stay away from the coast.

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2023-10-04 09:07:06
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