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Stormy Daniels Testifies in Trump Trial: Details of Alleged Sexual Encounter Revealed

“You did this whole thing, right?” asked attorney Susan Necheles. “No,” Daniels replied.

But for all the talk about what might have happened in that hotel room, Daniels’ testimony doesn’t help or hurt the case against Trump, because the case -lawsuits targeting business transactions and whether those payments were made to illegally influence the 2016 elections.

Trump, impeached 34 counts of falsifying business documents to help cover up an affair extramarital relationship with Daniels, he spent most of the testimony in his chair with his eyes closed or watching the depositions on a monitor in front of him with a frown.

Daniels testified for five hours on Tuesday and calmly recounted the night she spent with the mogul in 2006 in a hotel room where they had unprotected sex, testimony in which she explained intimacy, such as her pajamas with which the politician got her.

Here are the keys to Daniels’ testimony this Thursday:

Different versions and motivated by money

Unlike Tuesday, Daniels had a much tougher questioning.

With his questions, Necheles tried to portray Daniels as motivated by money, who hates Trump and has little credibility due to the different versions of events he has told over the years. ten years past.

The attorney questioned several inconsistencies with Daniels over the years, for example, whether it was Trump or his bodyguard who asked for her phone when they met at a golf tournament; which mode of transport she used to go to her date with the tycoon, and whether or not she had dinner that night she went up to his luxury hotel room in 2006, when she 27 years old and he is 59.

“Power Imbalance”

She testified earlier this week that although she was not physically threatened, she felt a “power imbalance” when Trump, in her hotel room, stood between her and the door and proposed.

As for whether she felt coerced into having sex with him, she reiterated Thursday that he never drugged her or threatened her physically. But, he added, “My own insecurities, at the time, stopped me from saying no.”

Necheles suggested that her work in pornography meant that her story of shock and horror at Trump’s alleged sexual advances was not believable.

“You’ve been involved and had sex in over 200 porn movies, right?” – Necheles asked. “And are naked men and women having sex, including you, in those movies ?

Necheles continued: “But, you say, it was disturbing to see a man sitting on a bed in a T-shirt and boxers that it made you dizzy.”

The experience with Trump was different from pornography for several reasons, Daniels explained, including that Trump was more than twice her age, bigger than her, and that she didn’t expect him to be naked when she came out of the bathroom.

“I came out of the bathroom and saw an old man I didn’t expect to be there,” she said.

She was questioned about the benefits of her book

As part of a non-disclosure agreement, for which he was paid $130,000 during the tycoon’s 2016 election campaign, Daniels denied the affair, but today said he prefers hold a press conference explaining what happened.

Daniels, who went to Manhattan Criminal Court today with her hair down, horn-rimmed glasses, a green dress and a black cardigan, indicated that money was not the reason she decided to tell her story, as in 2018 she gave her free CNN interview.

However, Necheles pointed out that since Daniels told her version, the actress has benefited from at least a million dollars thanks to her book, a documentary, several tours and even merchandising products, such as a candle $ 40 in the one who appears as “holy of his fault.”

To what Daniels repeated that she has every right to “tell her story,” and that making her relationship with Trump public has also cost her “a lot of money,” such as legal fees or hiring defendants.

Paranormal properties

Another task for Necheles today was to highlight Daniels bias, pointing out that the erotic dancer has attacked Trump on her social networks several times by calling him, for example, an “orange turd “; Trump, for his part, is nicknamed “horse face”.

The attorney also used Daniels’ passion for the paranormal to attack the witness’s credibility and asked her if she had said her house in New Orleans was haunted, which Daniels confirmed with to say that she saw “a very interesting and inexplicable action.

Necheles raised the actress’s imagination for writing adult film scripts, to which Daniels sarcastically said that if she had written the script for the sexual encounter with Trump it would have been “much more better”.

Trump trial in New York: Stormy Daniels testifies about alleged sexual encounter with former president

2024-05-09 23:42:00
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