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Storm Warning Issued for Parts of Schleswig-Holstein by German Weather Service

Like. The German Weather Service issued a storm warning for parts of Schleswig-Holstein for Sunday afternoon until the evening and sometimes into the night. This mainly affects areas above the North Sea Canal, as a spokesman said on Sunday. Wind forces seven and eight, and even nine on the North Frisian Islands, can be expected. That corresponds to gusts of wind of 85 kilometers per hour. The strong wind is also accompanied by thunderstorms in the region.

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The strongly fluctuating weather and the storms are rather unusual for this time of year, especially compared to the last few years, according to the German Weather Service. “Summer weather in the north is increasingly influenced by low-pressure fronts, which lead to the rapid changes between warm and cold. You usually know that from the transitional seasons.”

Here is the storm warning:

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This is how the weather is currently in SH:

How are wind speeds calculated?

Wind speeds are measured using the Beaufort scale. It was developed by the English admiral Francis Beaufort (1774-1857). The scale ranges from a gentle breeze of strength 1 to a storm of strength 9 at 88 kilometers per hour, in which the first roof tiles fall. A heavy storm (10) with up to 102 kilometers per hour can break off thick branches. The hurricane-force storm (11) reaches up to 117 kilometers to uproot entire trees. With stronger winds (12) a hurricane is reached, which can cause severe devastation. On coasts, it whirls up large masses of water, which can cause pressure of several tons per square meter in breakers.

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Note on your own behalf

Dear readers,

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Again and again we experience storm/hurricane warnings, which ultimately result in relatively little damage. Nevertheless, we would like to ask you to take these warnings, which are not given by us editors but by real weather experts, seriously. For example, even if there is a blue sky above your house, lightning may have struck and a branch fell on your way to work.

Time and time again, people are injured in storms and thunderstorms – so when in doubt, we prefer to pass on the warnings of the experts three times too often than once too little. Please take care of yourself and your fellow human beings!


2023-07-16 23:09:17
#Severe #weather #warning #SchleswigHolstein #weather #service #warns #storms

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