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storm over the PD mayor – Il Tempo

Christian Campigli

A consolidated method. Perpetrated since the dawn of time: conditioning the minds of younger people and directing them towards their own bizarre ideas. The mayor of Carrara participated in a meeting between some high school students from the city famous worldwide for its marble and the education manager of Open Arms, the NGO that owns a ship currently docked in the port of the Tuscan city. She is currently placed under administrative arrest for not respecting the rules of our country. The mayor himself wrote about it on his Facebook profile: “Humanity, shipwrecks and the rule of law, I participated together with the Councilor for Education Gea Dazzi in the meeting organized in Marina by Casa di Betania, a Zaccagna association, yesterday and today with high school kids. It was an opportunity to talk, with the cultural mediators of Casa Betania, but also with Francesca Loupakis, education manager of Open Arms Italia, about reception and migration”.

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“It was a way to tell what we saw with our own eyes during the many landings that have already taken place in our port, but above all to discuss with girls and boys about a historical phenomenon that must be understood and managed, certainly not fought. As mayor I proudly claimed the response that the city of Carrara has always given when it was called to welcome people fleeing war and hunger and how it has always done so with extreme professionalism and such generosity”, he continued.

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A choice that did not please the FdI deputy, Alessandro Amorese, at all. “We read, in the words of the mayor, the confirmation of what we feared when we brought to attention the methods of the meeting, which were, to say the least, disrespectful of the correct education that the school should guarantee to students. The narrative was one-way, and the mayor himself confirms this. Among the reflections in his post, we read that the historical phenomenon of migration must be understood and managed, certainly not fought. We reiterate to the mayor that the Meloni Government is indeed fighting, but against the traffickers of death and against illegal immigration. We are not aware that, for example, the current law was illustrated during the meeting, nor that any mention was made of the crime committed by smugglers. School and lessons are synonymous with objective learning and a culture of legality, not with a single-minded ideology to the detriment of young and very young minds.”

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