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Storm in Frankfurt am Main today: High risk of thunderstorms! Weather service issues warning

Severe weather warning for Frankfurt am Main! The weather forecast for today, August 24, 2024, warns of severe weather with thunderstorms with gusts of wind or severe gusts of wind and heavy rain. We’ll tell you what the current weather in Frankfurt am Main is like here on news.de.

Severe weather warning for Frankfurt am Main today: DWD warns of thunderstorms with gusts of wind or severe gusts of wind and heavy rain

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Official Weather warning for the city Frankfurt am Main in Hesse: Heavy thunderstorm from 24.08.24, 22:30 hrs until probably 25.08.24, 00:00 hrs.

Thunderstorms are moving in from the southwest. There will be gusts of wind with speeds of up to 75 km/h (21 m/s, 41 kn, Bft 9) as well as heavy rain with precipitation amounts of around 15 l/m² in a short period of time and small hail.

Danger from · lightning strikes (danger to life!) · individual falling branches · flying objects · isolated, rapid flooding of roads/underpasses · aquaplaning · hailstorms

Recommended actions: · Avoid staying outdoors or seek shelter (e.g. in buildings) · Avoid bodies of water · Secure free-standing objects (e.g. canvases and furniture) · Secure tents and covers, for example · Watch out for falling objects (e.g. branches) outdoors · Adapt your behavior in traffic · Avoid flooded and vulnerable areas (e.g. underpasses)

  • Message type: Observation
  • Message timeframe: Warning
  • Warning level of the message: Severe weather warning (orange)

The German Weather Service (DWD) distinguishes four warning levels: yellow, orange, red and dark red. What the DWD warning levels mean and when you should avoid being outdoors due to severe weather, read here.

This message was issued by the DWD on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 11:16 p.m.

Find out more about what’s happening in your area, including police reports, fuel prices, alerts and much more, on our Regional news page for Frankfurt am Main Don’t miss any important information anymore!

The current weather in the city of Frankfurt am Main and hourly development on 24.08.2024

In the city of Frankfurt am Main you can currently expect light rain at 24°C and 77% humidity. The wind is blowing at 3 km/h and the UV index is currently at 0 (as of 11:51 p.m.).

From a wind force of 7 Beaufort, the DWD issues an official weather warning for gusts of wind. From 12 Beaufort, life is in danger! Would you like to find out more about this topic? An overview of all wind strengths on the Beaufort scale from calm to hurricane, the associated wind speeds and their effects can be found in this article.

24.08.24, 23:00 Uhr24 °C12 %22 km/h25.08.24, 00:00 Uhr24 °C34 %21 km/h25.08.24, 01:00 Uhr23 °C80 %19 km/h25.08.24, 02:00 Uhr23 °C47 %18 km/h25.08.24, 03:00 Uhr22 °C0 %17 km/h25.08.24, 04:00 Uhr20 °C17 %17 km/h25.08.24, 05:00 Uhr19 °C13 %16 km/h25.08.24, 06:00 Uhr18 °C8 %14 km/h25.08.24, 07:00 Uhr17 °C6 %13 km/h25.08.24, 08:00 Uhr17 °C2 %13 km/h25.08.24, 09:00 Uhr17 °C0 %13 km/h25.08.24, 10:00 Uhr19 °C0 %13 km/h
City of Frankfurt am Main Temperature Precipitation Wind strength

+++ Editorial note: This text was generated based on current data from OpenWeather (TM) for the hourly forecast and warnings from the German Weather Service (DWD). There may be deviations between the warning and the hourly forecast within the region due to the data from different measuring stations. In order to inform you as quickly as possible, these texts are updated daily based on data and checked randomly. If you have any comments or questions, please contact hinweis@news.de. +++

Not every cloud means rainy weather. Here we tell you how you can predict the weather based on different cloud formations.

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