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Storm Bebet Causes Devastating Floods and Crop Damage in the UK

This is the result of Storm Bebet.

Source: AP 2023

Potato and grain crops are likely to have been hit hard by Storm Bebet in the UK. The bad weather brought heavy rainfall, which led to floods, reports The Guardian.

Farmers say that the consequences of bad weather are very dire. They are confident that flooding will have a devastating impact on winter grain crops and increase the likelihood of crop failure. “Some areas of the UK are extremely vulnerable to flooding and recent years have shown that the impacts of climate change will damage crops unless we take immediate action to improve farm resilience, review land use and develop a horticulture plan that takes these risks into account,” the experts add.

The National Farmers’ Union said crops were rotting underwater and called on the government to take action. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs stressed that risk management authorities will work with farmers and landowners to help them adapt their businesses and practices to flood and coastal change.

Earlier scientists installedthat earthworms have a positive effect on the grain and legume yields produced around the world every year.

Anna Morozova

2023-10-26 13:39:47
#farmers #warn #rotting #crops

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