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Storm alert in Zaragoza | What time is the Dana expected to hit?

Aragon faces a Thursday on alert due to the heavy storms expected during the day. A day that has begun with many people looking to the sky awaiting the arrival of precipitation, which will be accompanied by hail, and the gusty winds that usually accompany these. phenomena typical of summer.

The heavy rains associated with the passage of a DANA will not be exclusive to Aragon, as they will be widespread in large areas of the interior of the peninsula, but it will be where fall with greater virulence. At least that is what the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) hopes, which has activated the orange notice throughout the communitywhich is associated with discharges of up to 30 liters per square meter and that could even be of a torrential character, as already happened during the passage of another trough two weeks ago in Sos del Rey Católico, in the Cinco Villas.

When will the storm hit Zaragoza and Aragon?

In Zaragoza, the sky has dawned overcast and a few drops have fallen since early in the day. The precipitation, of lesser intensity, could be felt throughout the morning, But the most adverse effects of the storm are expected to occur in the afternoon.

According to Aemet forecasts, It will be between 5 and 7 pm when the greatest risk is located. It will be in this area when the wind changes its component and the cierzo enters, which will be moderate intensity, up to 40 km/h, although the gusts could be substantially higher. After that time, forecasts say that the rain will subside, however, the orange warning will remain in effect until midnight.

In the rest of Aragon, storms will be felt around midday. in parts of the Pyrenees such as Jaca or the Hecho Valley and in towns in the Zaragoza Iberian region such as Calatayud or Daroca.

It will be from 4 pm when the showers begin to arrive, first spreading across the Iberian Peninsula, affecting municipalities such as La Almunia, Calamocha or the surroundings of MoncayoThe episode may be intermittent, but will extend throughout the afternoon.

By mid-afternoon, the DANA will be discharging more widely throughout the community. In Albarracín, the Ebro Valley, Cinco Villas, Huesca, Lower Aragon and Maestrazgo It is expected that they will receive significant rainfall accumulations until late afternoon, when there will be localized rainfall in the Pyrenees and in the center of the province of Huesca.


Aemet updated storm warnings this past Wednesday, raising the warnings from yellow to orange in the province of Huesca and a large part of Teruel. Given this update of the forecasts. Given a day that was expected marked by adverse weather conditionsThere have been several calls for responsibility on the part of public bodies and institutions.

He The Government of Aragon has activated the alert of the Special Civil Protection Plan to mobilize civil protection and emergency services in response to the possibility of an “unfavorable evolution” of atmospheric phenomena to avoid or reduce their impact.

Along the same lines and in the prevention section, the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation (CHE) has warned through the social network X about possible ““flash floods” in ravines and minor channels in the basin of the Ebro, except for its eastern end, throughout this Thursday.

Along the same lines and through the same channel, the following have been expressed: Government of Aragon, the Aragonese Mountaineering Federation (FAM) and Aramónthrough the Safe Mountain prevention campaign, which has called for caution and always taking into account the weather forecast when doing any mountain activity.

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