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Storm after Kierwiński’s speech. The minister spoke

Marcin Kierwiński’s speech during the Firefighter’s Day celebration aroused controversy. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration spoke unclearly. Some social media users alleged that he may have been under the influence of alcohol. The politician has already responded to these allegations.

Marcin Kierwiński /Radek Pietruszka /PAP

During the central celebration of Firefighter’s Day, Kierwiński said that the work of a firefighter includes service and sacrifice. Every day you go out to save the property, lives and health of Poles. And I thank you very much for that, he added.

He noted that he had talked to partners from other countries who told him that “there are no people more self-sacrificing, more brave, more determined to help” than Polish firefighters. He said that partners from Greece recalled the participation of Poles in the international mission and their help in extinguishing last year’s fires.

I wish you to always have pride in your hearts for service, pride in what you do, emphasized the head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration. He also wished them to be convinced that their work was appreciated, rewarded and respected.

Kierwiński’s speech caused a storm on social media. Users started asking about the health condition of the head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration.

Some even claimed that the politician could have been under the influence of alcohol.

“If Marcin Kierwiński was drunk, he should be dismissed immediately today!” – wrote Janusz Kowalski from Sovereign Poland.

“If this is not some kind of alteration, it is a massacre,” wrote Kowalski’s party colleague, Dariusz Matecki.

“It’s a massacre that someone like Kierwiński serves as the Minister of Interior and Administration. It’s a complete collapse. I only feel sorry for the firefighters. On their holiday. Total lack of respect. Drama,” added PiS MP Andrzej Śliwka.

Kierwiński talked to the media about his speech. As he said, “there was a terrible reverberation” during the celebrations.

He added that he felt very good and did not need preventive tests.

There was a terrible reverberation from a loudspeaker nearby. I couldn’t hear very well. I don’t know if it was also a matter of some microphone coupling. It has nothing to do with health, Kierwiński emphasized.

If someone wants to use it for their dirty politics, they will issue a certificate themselves – noted the head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration. As he said, “these insinuations are truly unworthy.”

Marcin Kierwiński is the “number one” of the Civic Coalition in the elections to the European Parliament in the Warsaw district.

Source: RMF24

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