Par Anthony Soudani
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” It’s a punch action in Saint-Genis-Laval”, assures the squadron leader of the Givors gendarmerie, Geoffrey Jourdain, during a drug and identity check at the entrance to the new metro B station, Wednesday November 15. A man was notably arrested in possession of a knife and cannabis resin.
Exceptional security measures have been put in place by the gendarmes in the metropolis of Lyon and the Rhône. “Storm 69” is the name of the operation underway since Monday November 13 in the department.
More than 350 gendarmes mobilized in the Rhône
Delinquency, drug trafficking, clandestine networks, thefts… This important system, desired by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, will last at least until the end of the week.
More than 350 gendarmes are mobilized every day with national reinforcements, including the Guépard unit of Satory (Yvelines), a helicopter and dog teams. They are deployed in the field day and night.
“Fight against all forms of crime and delinquency”
“The operation aims to fight against all forms of organized crime and everyday delinquency,” specifies Juliette Bossart-Trignat. The delegated prefect for defense and security states in a provisional report given on Wednesday November 15 that more than twenty operations were carried out throughout the department.
We carried out road checks, drug checks, visits to cellars and building lobbies in all areas likely to harbor delinquency. The police issued fixed fines for drug use and prosecuted criminal acts.
Drug trafficking: “A cancer for our society”
The aim of Tempête 69 is to deploy significant resources with national reinforcements to “carry out a massive operation to combat delinquency to calm and pacify certain neighborhoods”.
The prefect insists: “Drug trafficking is a target of the operation. It is a cancer for our society which profoundly harms the lives of its inhabitants. Overall, we want to have a massive impact on crime.”

Checks throughout the Lyon metropolis
The operation must continue in the coming days with several checks and a more in-depth and judicial component which will take place under the authority of the public prosecutor.
Besides Saint-Genis-Lavalthere have already been gendarmerie checks in the TER, but also in Arbresle, in Tassin-la-Demi-Lune or even recently around the Corbas prison, where motorists who were preparing to deliver packages illegally were arrested.
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2023-11-17 00:10:22
#Storm #punch #operation #Rhône #gendarmes