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Stories to educate children about health

For more than ten years, the Mutualité française Occitanie has been concerned with the health of young children by offering educational booklets with various partners, including the regional health agency (ARS), according to the themes. Emmanuelle Cabrol, author for children and Montarna for nearly thirty years, is proud to present the twelfth booklet, the theme of which is unfortunately topical: the prevention of drowning. Original partner, the publisher Milan asked her to make this booklet as attractive as possible by imagining an endearing character who discovers the dangers of life or questions his surroundings.

Fun and informative

“To make this booklet fun and informative, I quickly had the idea of ​​a little wolf with a sheep blanket!” This is how Mikalou, the friendly hero of all adventures, was born. With his little sister Kamilia, he protects the planet, goes to the dentist, gets vaccinated or skips the TV! He also knew how to say “no to germs” in this period of pandemic. This summer, he is like a fish in water, while respecting the advice given by his parents.

Emmanuelle, Pikou’s mother whom the little ones know well, develops all the written content. “In addition to the story itself, I enjoy designing questions and answers for parents to help them answer the questions of their offspring. I also write a page of advice and end with a game, always different . “

In addition to the “brief” received, it ensures that the recommendations are well founded. “I was web editor of the site mpedia.fr, the site of the French Association of Ambulatory Pediatrics, and I find a large number of answers to my own questions there! “

It usually takes him fifteen days to send his project to the publisher who forwards it to the illustrator from La Rochelle France Sengel. The organizations then receive the mock-up and can make a return if necessary. The finalized project will then be printed and sent to customers, healthcare professionals and also nurseries in Occitanie.

The author wants as many children as possible to have access to these brochures: “It’s not difficult, communities and schools can directly order a large number of copies by going to the Mutualité française Occitanie website. Parents can download Mikalou’s various adventures there.”

The author is eager to know the theme of the next booklet. In the meantime, she will tackle another big project, the writing of a thriller for adults.

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