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Stop to Cashback 2021, canceled in the second half

The cashback operation will stop on June 30th with the payment of the sums accumulated with the payments of debit and credit cards and with the ‘super prize’ of 1,500 euros to the major users. This was decided by the control room which was held in Palazzo Chigi. The operation scheduled for the second half of the year is therefore canceled.

Release of layoffs for the manufacturing and construction industries with the exception of textiles and related sectors (footwear, fashion): this is one of the points on which agreement was reached during the control room chaired by the President of the Draghi Council, in which the ministers participated Renato Brunetta, Andrea Orlando, Giancarlo Giorgetti, Roberto Speranza, Elena Bonetti, Daniele Franco, and Stefano Patuanelli.

During the meeting of the control room, the possibility of providing an additional 13 weeks of extraordinary layoffs to all companies belonging to the industrial crisis tables currently open and not, which have run out of shock absorbers, was also discussed.

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