Dental expenses are really heavy expenses for Italian families.
Even many families are unable to bear the costs of the dentist and especially when you have children these expenses can be really heavy. These tremendous expenses can come to weigh heavily on the family budget and unfortunately in Italy there is no bonus for the dentist.
By the way ours terrible national health system does not deal with providing dental treatments free of charge and therefore for families this is a problem. However, there are some very important precautions that allow our teeth to be protected from sugars and therefore significantly lower the impact of the dentist.
After the holidays it’s even more important
When the Christmas holidays arrive, yes they consume a lot of sweets. The nougats, panettone, pandoro are truly delicious sweets and it is difficult to resist when there are holidays. Among friends and relatives there is an atmosphere of joy and happiness and the binges are really great.
But after the Christmas period binges, we must remember that sugar is the main enemy of our teeth and we must put in place all those tricks, precautions and tricks to avoid damaging your teeth and then go and spend a lot of money at the dentist. In fact, as we have said, even if a dentist bonus has been requested for some time, it does not actually exist in Italy and therefore it is up to us to try to defend the teeth.
Protect yourself from sugars
But sugar shouldn’t always be demonized because the sugar naturally contained in milk or vegetables is also accompanied by vitamins and other substances that are very good for the body. But then there’s also sucrose which is the sugar added in sweets and sugary drinks.
Sucrose can cause diabetes but also a considerable amount of damage to the teeth. Sugar added to sweets and sugary drinks also harms the heart and it is still the main cause of tooth decay. So the sugar added in sweets and sugary drinks or the terrible sucrose it certainly shouldn’t be demonized but it should also be consumed with great moderation.
The real enemy of teeth and health
In fact, sucrose has the ability to damage the teeth in depth and then you have to go to the dentist. But let’s see how with very simple tricks you can defend your teeth from sucrose. First of all, sweets should be consumed in great moderation and it is better to consume sweets during meals. In fact, more saliva is produced during meals and saliva helps to counteract the acidity that sucrose produces in the mouth.

But then it is absolutely important to brush your teeth very often and definitely wash them after every meal. It is also important to brush your teeth well, dedicating the right amount of time to this procedure. But it is also very important to observe your teeth carefully even with the help of a mirror. In fact, tooth decay does not produce any pain at first but is already damaging the teeth.
Pay attention to the signals
Then observe our mouth and intervening immediately as soon as the caries begins to appear even if it is not painful is very important because then the dentist’s intervention is lighter and therefore also less expensive. With these very simple common sense tricks our teeth will be protected by the dentist.