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Stop the repression in Jujuy demands the president of Argentina

Title: Violent Clashes and Repression in Jujuy Spark Outrage and Protests

Date: June 21, 2023

In the province of Jujuy, Argentina, violent clashes between security forces and protesters have led to accusations of repression and human rights violations. The governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, has come under fire for ordering a ferocious crackdown on demonstrators, resulting in numerous injuries, arrests, and disappearances.

President Alberto Fernández has condemned the actions of Governor Morales, demanding an immediate cessation of the repression. President Fernández holds Morales solely responsible for the extreme situation in Jujuy, accusing him of attempting to impose a reform that violates the National Constitution’s prohibition on social protest.

Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has also criticized Morales, citing a ruling by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights that emphasizes the need for Argentina to respect provincial standards of force during protests in Jujuy. She compared the situation in Jujuy to the events of December 20, 2001, when widespread protests led to a state of siege, numerous deaths, and the resignation of then-President Fernando de la Rúa.

The response to the violence in Jujuy has been met with widespread condemnation and protests. The General Confederation of Labor announced a strike in solidarity with the protesters, and there have been demonstrations in the capital city rejecting Morales’s actions and denouncing the use of violence.

However, the situation has also become politically charged, with Governor Morales accusing the national government, Kirchnerism, and the youth organization La Cámpora of orchestrating the unrest. On the other hand, the right-wing coalition of Together for Change and former President Mauricio Macri have expressed support for Morales. Some analysts suggest that Jujuy is being used as a testing ground for opposition candidates’ strategies to impose their policies, with threats of imprisonment or violence against those who resist.

Reports have emerged of desperate mothers searching for their missing children, some of whom are minors. Neighbors have also raised concerns about the presence of infiltrators among the protesters and alleged home invasions without search warrants. These actions are seen as part of Morales’s security policy, which involves blaming the social group for the actions of infiltrators and responding with violence.

The situation in Jujuy has escalated with increased police operations in the provincial capital, San Salvador, and other towns. Vans without license plates have been reported entering different working areas without search warrants. The number of detainees continues to rise, with organizations denouncing disappearances and human rights abuses.

In the midst of the repression, two judges and a prosecutor visited the house of Milagro Sala, who remains under house arrest and in failing health. The visit, conducted without a court order, has been denounced as an implicit search and criticized as an abuse of power.

The events unfolding in Jujuy have sparked outrage and concern both within Argentina and internationally. The situation highlights the importance of upholding human rights and respecting the right to peaceful protest. As the protests and condemnation continue, the future of Jujuy remains uncertain, with calls for justice and accountability echoing throughout the country.

By Stella Calloni
The Conference
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Tional government of President Fernández and Vice President Kirchner of instigating the protests in Jujuy. He took to social media to make these accusations and claimed that they were responsible for the unrest in the province.

It is clear that the violent clashes and repression in Jujuy have sparked outrage and protests both within the province and nationally. While President Fernández and Vice President Kirchner have condemned the actions of Governor Morales and demanded an end to the repression, Morales has sought to shift the blame onto the national government.

The situation in Jujuy highlights the deep political divisions within Argentina and the ongoing tensions between the provincial and national governments. The accusations and counter-accusations between Governor Morales and President Fernández and Vice President Kirchner only serve to exacerbate these divisions and hinder efforts to address the underlying issues and concerns of the protesters.

It is crucial that an independent investigation is carried out to ascertain the truth behind the allegations of repression and human rights violations in Jujuy. The protection of human rights and the right to peaceful protest must be upheld, and those responsible for any wrongdoing must be held accountable.

In the meantime, it is important for all parties involved to engage in a constructive dialogue to address the grievances of the protesters and find a peaceful and inclusive solution to the current unrest. Only through genuine dialogue and a commitment to respecting human rights can Argentina move forward and overcome the divisions that are tearing the country apart.

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