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The House of Representatives believes that schools should not make new models of calculators compulsory too often. MPs Peters (CDA) and Kwint (SP) are submitting a motion on this in the House of Representatives today. It can count on the support of a large majority in parliament.
New machines with new functions are introduced on the market with some regularity. According to Peters and Kwint, schools often prescribe their students to use these new devices, even though this is not necessary at all. Because new copies have to be bought all the time, the calculators cannot be used by several children from one family, which they feel is an unnecessary expense for parents.
The calculators now recommended for high school use often cost at least $100.
‘Set requirements for a longer period of time’
The MPs want the cabinet to determine the requirements for calculators for a longer period. The government must also insist on the Board of Assessment and Closure that calculators that meet the requirements may be used by all students in all schools.
According to Peters, calculators from years ago are still satisfactory and factories “should not be sponsored unnecessarily”. The call from CDA and SP is in any case supported by VVD, D66, GroenLinks and Party for the Animals.