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“Stop inciting violence” | Máximo Kirchner’s response to Milei for the false accusation regarding the fires in Córdoba

The deputy and representative of La Cámpora, Máximo Kirchner, together with the Minister of the Environment of Buenos Aires, Daniela Vilar, came out to answer the fake news spread by President Javier Milei regarding the fact that the Kirchnerist group was behind the fires in Cordoba. “Stop inciting violence because later someone will go and commit it. It is much better to sit down, talk, discuss and communicate,” answered Kirchner, who together with Vilar recalled the sanctions and the amendment to the Fire Management Law that was promoted and approved during the Frente de Todos government to prevent to put on real estate speculation and agricultural business on the burned lands.

“We are experiencing an emergency situation. It worries us and it also overwhelms us,” said Kirchner. about a fire of more than 45 thousand hectares of forests in the Mediterranean province who found some relief in the last hours after being under fire for a week. In a critical tone, Kirchner recalled the sanctions of the amendment to the Fire Management Law approved in 2020 by Congress, after a year of fires They had destroyed a million hectaresin particular, in Córdoba and the Paraná Delta.

Vilar, representative during the debate about changing the regulations, explained that the Fire Management Law establishes a minimum level of care through the Federal Fire Management System. He also pointed out that it was changed in 2022 to extend care for other ecosystems, in addition to native forests, such as planted forests, wetlands, grasslands and natural areas. The amendment indicated a ban on changing the use of land, between 30 and 60 years, to avoid the speculative end of fires with the aim of exploiting them through buildings or agricultural industry.

President Javier Milei has this rule between her eyeswhich he mentioned on the national network in December when he announced the DNU 70/2023 which is still current – even if it was not included – and which he later tried to be amended in the omnibus version of the Basic Law, something that was left by the wayside due to the struggles of socio-environmental groups. In the approved version of the Constitution, the Government managed to powers to “remove” trust funds at willamong which could be the National Fire Management Fund.

“This government made the budget allocated to the National Fire Management Service and in the first quarter it did not spend a single peso,” Denied the Minister of the Environment of Buenos Aires and ironically: “There are things the market is not going to do.” “It (the market) doesn’t put out fires, it usually generates them,” Kirchner said according to the law that was changed in 2022.

At that time, The two leaders of La Cámpora invited the Government to discuss the 28 billion pesos allocated, according to the 2025 Budget, to the Fire Management Service. “Here we have a good opportunity to show that we can build a good consensus based on common interest,” Kirchner said and also recalled that during the Frente de Todos administration, a law was passed that improved the work of volunteer firefighters.

“Dear President, you promote hatred through social networks”

After identifying the recommendations of the space to fight fires and their causes, the head of La Cámpora said who was responsible for responding to the false accusation Milei made against the political group. “President, You are the president of all the Argentines… I am very sorry that he is accusing a political group, in this case La Cámpora, but it could be another one, it depends on how it arises, because that has consequences, ” he said.

The deputy leader of Unión por la Patria pointed out the false accusation in a climate of political violence created by the assassination attempt against the then vice president Cristina Kirchner. “When you say these things, there are people who believe, as Sabag Montiel and Brenda Uliarte believed, that those who think differently must be suppressed. What you do is promote that hatred through the networks and then, maybe, there is someone who really takes it forward and carries it forward as it happened on September 1, 2022 with Cristina.”

Kirchner reminded Milei, among other accusations launched online by the president, has been accused of “planning a legislative trap” for the passage of the law that increased retirement benefitsand then the president stopped it and came to an agreement with the opposition to consolidate the challenge in the Chamber of Deputies.

“You accused me of being a legislative fraud and he turned six vice presidents They said yes and twenty days later they said no. It seems to me that the cheater is somewhere else“, praised the deputy head of UxP and invited Milei to “take over the Government and leave the Twitter account alone for a while.”

“Take control of the daily life of a government that is, in fact, having a very bad time,” said the deputy. and asked him to raise the disputes in situations of political dialogue: “We can meet in the place you want. Cristina already told him to go to the Country and he didn’t go… When he says, we are willing to give everything. the debates that are needed on the “Argentina, no show or so many detention facilities.”

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