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Stones are rolling across Europe. Almost octogenarians receive applause

On Monday, they played in Brussels at the completely sold-out King Baudouin Stadium. Singer Mick Jagger (78 years old) and by his side guitar titans Keith Richards (78) and Ronnie Wood (75). The trio of musicians commemorated the fourth musketeer, drummer Charlie Watts, who died last year, with photographs. Instead, Steve Jordan took over the drums.

The Stones have been together for so long that several generations of fans have had time to experience them at concerts. And according to the media, that’s how it looks in the audience. Gray-haired witnesses carry their grandchildren on their shoulders.

The legendary Street Fighting Man uncorked their rock tank in Brussels. The stadium turned into a pressure cooker. “What can a poor boy do but sing in a rock and roll band?” proclaimed Jagger. Other cult songs were also played, such as Tumbling Dice or Beast of Burden.

According to the Belgian media, the frontman in a shiny green jacket was “crazy as hell” and thus perfectly fulfilled the definition of a stage performer. “Incredible. Inimitable,” the online newspaper Sudinfo.be evaluated Jagger’s performance. “A thin dervish and a master of his craft as sharp as a razor,” wrote a critic of the Flemish daily De Morgen.

Keith Richards looked like a true pirate of rock and roll on the huge stage with his guitar slung over his shoulder. “The stage is his ship and the sea rages before him,” Sudinfo.be website mentioned.

Mick Jagger surprised the locals the day before his Brussels performance when he took to the streets in low-key clothes and a cap.

He sang by the statue of Jacques Brel and enjoyed a cocktail at La Pharmacie Anglaise. Photos from St. Catherine’s Square show how few people were really aware of who was standing there among them.

The tour started on June 1 in Madrid and ends on August 3 in Berlin. Closest to the Czech Republic, the boulders will roll out on Friday, July 15 in Vienna.

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