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Stomach pain may be liver cancer!Medical Exposure “4 Concepts to Protect the Liver”: The less medicine the better | ETtoday Health Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Picture and text/Jin Health/Guo Jiahe

Liver cancer ranks fourth among the top ten cancers, liver B, liver C, and three major causes of alcohol drinking

According to the 107 cancer registration report of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, liver cancer ranked fourth among the top ten cancers, with 11,342 new cases a year. Physician Zeng Zhenghao, deputy director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Director of the Gastrointestinal Hepatobiliary Department of E-Da Cancer Treatment Hospital, said in an interview that the most common cause of liver cancer in Chinese is the “liver cancer trilogy”, which first progresses from chronic liver inflammation to cirrhosis, and then from cirrhosis to liver cancer. The biggest risk factors are hepatitis B, hepatitis C and alcohol consumption. In recent years, due to dietary changes and over-nutrition among Chinese people, the impact of fatty liver cannot be underestimated.

Dr. Zeng Zhenghao pointed out that since the Republic of China in 1975, domestic newborns have been given hepatitis B vaccine, and the current hepatitis B infection rate of people under 36 has dropped to 1%. However, the prevalence rate of liver B in the past was close to 20%, and it is estimated that there are still about 10% of liver carriers in China. In particular, many people in the central and southern regions are not clear about whether they are hepatitis B carriers, so they tend to ignore follow-up treatment. When symptoms appear, they are often in relatively serious condition.

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If it is a liver carrier, it must be tracked and controlled regularly. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao explained that unlike liver C, there are clear drugs that can completely eliminate the virus and heal. At present, liver B drugs can only effectively inhibit the virus. Most of them require long-term medication. Once the drug is stopped midway, about half of the patients will be The virus will recur within 3 years. However, the doctor emphasized that although the current treatment limit of liver B can only be controlled, it is still very important for reducing the occurrence of liver cancer.

Stomach pain may be liver cancer! Medical disclosure

A cup of sorghum alcohol count is broken?Beware of chronic liver inflammation

The liver is the most important organ for the metabolism of alcohol. People who have long-term alcoholism and alcoholism should pay more attention to the risk of liver cancer. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao explained that, in general, the definition of alcohol overdose is: daily alcohol intake should not exceed 30 grams for men and 20 grams for women. Taking sorghum with 50% alcohol content as the standard, a glass of 100c.c. sorghum contains 50 grams of alcohol. Although studies have claimed that the right amount of alcohol is good for heart health, but for the liver, any drop of alcohol is a burden, and people with risk factors should pay more attention to drinking moderately.

In addition, liver-damaging drugs may also increase the risk of liver cancer. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao reminded that many people in the country believe that taking medicine can be “maintenance,” leading to unexplained remedies and buying medicines with unknown ingredients. These wrong medication behaviors may be related to unexplained chronic liver inflammation. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao emphasized that the principle of protecting the liver is that “the less medicine you take, the better.” You should take the medicine that has been prescribed by your doctor and needs to be used. Avoid taking drugs indiscriminately to increase the burden on the liver.

High-risk groups with an average survival of 10 months for advanced liver cancer should be checked regularly

The liver is mostly a silent organ. When there are signs of fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, abdominal swelling, and skin jaundice, most of them are already advanced liver cancer. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao pointed out that if early-stage liver cancer is properly treated, the average survival time is more than 5 years. In contrast, patients who are in the advanced stage at the time of diagnosis only live for about 10 months on average.

Therefore, if there are patients with chronic hepatitis B, hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, etc., be sure to seek medical treatment, regularly take blood to check the tumor index and liver index, and receive ultrasound screening to avoid liver cancer. Some studies also believe that family history is related to the risk of liver cancer. Dr. Zhenghao Zeng said that if there is a family history of liver cancer, screening is also recommended.

Dr. Zeng Zhenghao explained that a complete liver examination needs to include blood sampling and ultrasound. Many people think that a normal blood sampling index means that the liver is fine. Liver ultrasound is the first step in screening for liver cancer. If a tumor is found in the liver but it can be clearly judged as a hemangioma, follow-up is the main option. However, if it is a tumor of unknown type, or if the tumor index is also abnormal, the next step is usually to assist the diagnosis through computer tomography and MRI co-diagnosis, and sometimes even liver biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

It is not the diagnosis of liver cancer that can change the liver to protect the liver. The correct concept should be known

Dr. Zeng Zhenghao explained that the treatment of liver cancer can be divided into three stages. In the first stage, recovery is the goal, and ablation treatments such as surgical resection, liver replacement, or electric heating with microwaves will be used to make the tumor disappear completely. The second stage cancer has progressed to about stage 2. If the tumor is too large or too large to be operated on, embolization therapy will be adopted to control the tumor. In the third stage, the tumor metastasizes or invades blood vessels, and the patient must receive systemic treatments such as chemotherapy, targeting, and immunotherapy.

Stomach pain may be liver cancer! Medical disclosure

Due to unclear early symptoms of liver cancer, patients tend to think that they are in good health and miss out on early treatment opportunities. Dr. Zeng Zhenghao pointed out that every year I see 50-year-old patients who are in the prime of life. Most of them are the breadwinners of the family and are busy with work, ignoring the hepatitis B or not knowing their physical condition. When they find symptoms such as stomach pain, they think they will get one. Stomach medicine can be cured, but in the end it is diagnosed as a case of advanced liver cancer.

Dr. Zeng Zhenghao emphasized that the principle of protecting the health of the liver is very common. Be careful not to eat folk remedies, not to take various drugs, exercise regularly, and eat more healthy and fresh foods. There is a saying in the market that night shifts are easy to hurt the liver. Physician Zeng Zhenghao explained that as long as you can maintain a regular schedule, the impact on the liver will not be too great. It is relatively more important to maintain good habits and get rid of misconceptions such as “taking medicine and maintenance. Patients with fatty liver are also recommended to actively lose weight and can see obvious improvement effects.

Stomach pain may be liver cancer! Medical disclosure

This article is reproduced with authorization from: Jin HealthStomach pain is actually a warning sign of liver cancer? Advanced liver cancer is hard to find!Doctor: High-risk groups must be tracked regularly

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