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Stole a truck and went on a rampage in Oslo – VG

A police acquaintance stole a truck and crashed into cars and property in Oslo’s busy Sandakerveien.


Police received the complaints at 10.06pm and reported a check on the driver at 10.57pm.

A man stole a truck and crashed into several parked cars and walls of houses along the road. This happened in Sandakerveien, a busy street with sidewalks on both sides.

– No injuries were reported, Operations Director Per Ivar Iversen told VG.

– The car was hit quite a bit during its journey, and we’re trying to get an overview of the situation now. It will take some time, she says.

The car is said to have finished its journey at the Amtmann Meinichs gate and stood for four minutes before the first report came in.

VG saw a video of the scene where the truck pulls out of an apartment building and goes downhill at high speed. The cargo door opens and trash is scattered as the man accelerates the car.

Iversen says there will be more charges against the man.

– I don’t have a complete overview, but he will probably be charged with most of the road traffic law, as well as theft and driving under the influence of drugs.

When VG speaks to the operations manager just before midnight, the police are still at the scene and working to remove the truck.

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