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Stocks New York: Investors ‘cash in’ – Doordash burns price fireworks

The US stock exchanges have had impressive weeks behind them: the Dow had risen by around 14 percent since the beginning of November, driven by positive news about corona vaccines, the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the US presidential election and, last but not least, by one still very loose monetary policy of the Fed. But now, with a view to the approaching end of the year, investors could “cash in” and realize profits.

The S&P 500 fell 1.05 percent to 3663 points. The Nasdaq 100 came under significantly more pressure with a minus of 2.1 percent to 12,371 points. However, investors can also expect high profits here: The index has risen by around 45 percent since the beginning of the year, leaving the Dow and S&P 500 far behind.

The previous evening, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had announced that he had offered the Democrats a corona aid package worth more than 900 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, the corona virus continues to spread rapidly in the United States.

A fireworks display burned the shares of the food delivery company Doordash on their first day of trading. The papers went up to almost $ 200. The company had previously placed the 33 million shares at a price of 102 US dollars each with investors, raising almost 3.4 billion dollars (2.8 billion euros). Most recently, the shares cost just under $ 180.

The biotech company Moderna has entered into a partnership with the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche to fight viruses. Moderna recently applied for emergency approval for its corona vaccine candidate in the US and Europe. Roche, in turn, has launched various corona tests through its diagnostics division. Investors could not convince the cooperation, however, they took with Moderna price gains after the very strong run of the past few weeks: The share lost almost ten percent.

The shares in FireEye also got under the wheels, they sagged by 13 percent. The IT security company, which, among other things, US authorities often involve in cyber attacks, has now become the target of hackers itself. /Bek/men


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