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Stock up on Viburnum Rolls for Winter: A Seasonal Berry Packed with Vitamin C

Stock up on viburnum rolls for the winter: a seasonal berry rich in vitamin C

October 5 – NVL. Every housewife can roll up incredible jars for the winter made from red viburnum, which contains vitamin C and many useful substances

Viburnum is a unique berry that contains a large amount of useful substances. This seasonal berry contains 70% more vitamin C than lemon. Viburnum can be pureed with honey; juice, tinctures, jam, jelly, sauces and seasonings are made from it. The author of the Zen channel “New Hearth” shared recipes for red viburnum rolls.

Photo source: Editorial photo

You can make pureed viburnum, which can be added to tea. It can add tartness and minty sourness to the drink. This remedy is an excellent prevention and treatment of colds. You will need 1 kilogram of viburnum, 150 grams of honey. The berries are rubbed through a sieve, mixed with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1, you should get a homogeneous consistency. The resulting product is poured into jars, closed and stored in a cool place. In this case, you don’t have to remove the bones, but mash them with a masher. This way the seaming will be even more useful.

A wonderful preparation of seasonal berries – viburnum with sugar for the winter. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple, but the result is a wonderful remedy. In winter, such a jar will be very tasty, especially with hot tea. Excellent disease prevention.

Photo source: Editorial photo

You will need 1 kilogram of mashed berries in the form of puree, 2 kilograms of sugar. Ripe berries should be placed in a bowl and washed well. After this, they should be poured with boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, the berries will lose their bitterness and all microbes. The berries are removed into a sieve and allowed to drain for about 10 minutes. Then they are blotted with paper towels.

The berries are rubbed using a wooden spoon or masher. The entire resulting mixture is passed through a sieve and squeezed out. As a result, you need to take 2 times more sugar than you got from viburnum. The puree must be thoroughly mixed with sugar. The viburnum is infused in a saucepan for 24 hours; the next day it is placed in the refrigerator. In this case, the contents should be stirred. The mixture will thicken and turn into jelly. The product is poured into jars that have been previously sterilized. They are covered with lids and stored in a cool place.

2023-10-05 20:01:48

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