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Stock market: 67,000 securities traded on April 9

Commentary on variations : Overall the market continues a new performance, closing in the green on this trading session. This considerable increase of 1.42% to 218,59 points is the result of the good performances of Sonatel SN and SGBCI.

Thus, the Sonatel SN share is up 5.56% with a price at 19 000 F CFA and Orange CI remains stable (0.00%) during this session with an unchanged price at 10,845 FCFA.

However, the FLOP 3 recorded on the market is composed of Tractafric Motors CI (-6.67%) bringing its price to 2 100 F CFAOnatel BF SA (-4.17%) is positioned at 2 300 F CFA and the CIE which takes a counter performance of 0.95% bringing its trading price to now 445 F CFA.

Furthermore, the securities that were heavily traded on this trading day are as follows: Orange CI (0.00%) with more than 49 millions de F CFA followed by Onatel Burkina SA (-4.17%) which was traded on the market at more than 43 millions de F CFA.

As for the 3 best performances of the day, we have in the lead, Sucrivoire (+5.62%), followed by Sonatel SN (+5.56%) and Sicable CI (+5.45%) which brings up the rear.

Regarding the information communicated in the BOC:

Wednesday April 10, 2024, public holiday: The Regional Securities Exchange (BRVM) informs the public and market participants that, in accordance with the notice relating to the 2024 listing calendar, the Wednesday April 10, 2024day of‘Aïd El Fitrbeing a public holiday in Ivory Coast, there will be no trading session on this date. Sessions will resume on Thursday April 11, 2024.

Public Treasury of Niger 6.25% 2023-2028: The Regional Securities Exchange (BRVM) informs the public and market participants that the first listing of the bond “ Public Treasury of Niger 6.25% 2023-2028 » admitted to the BRVM bond compartment, took place this Tuesday April 9, 2024 . Au total 10 obligations « Public Treasury of Niger 6.25% 2023-2028 » were exchanged, for a value of 100,000 FCFA. 2,320,000 titles “ Public Treasury of Niger 6.25% 2023-2028 » were admitted to the BRVM bond compartment, for a total market capitalization of 23.2 billion FCFA.

BOA CI dividends fiscal year 2023: The Central Depositary/Settlement Bank informs the custody account holders, which the BANK OF AFRICA COTE D’IVOIRE will make payment via the DC/BR, the 29 avril 2024its annual dividend for the 2023 financial year for a total net amount of 13,680,000,000 FCFA, i.e. a net dividend per share of 684 FCFA.

BOA BF dividends fiscal year 2023: The Central Depositary/Settlement Bank informs the custody account holders, which the BANK OF AFRICA BURKINA FASO will make payment via the DC/BR, the 06 May 2024its annual dividend for the 2023 financial year for a total net amount of 14,683,243,520 FCFA, i.e. a net dividend per share of 704 FCFA.

Postponement of Payment/Delivery session: The Central Depositary/Settlement Bank informs market participants that the Wednesday April 10, 2024 public holiday, Eid El Fitr celebration, being a public holiday in Ivory Coast, there will be no session this day. Settlement/Delivery sessions will resume on Thursday April 11, 2024.

Vocabulary Point : A market order

A market order is an instruction given to a broker in our case an SGI like SA2IF, to buy or sell an asset (share such as a bond) with specific property characteristics. These characteristics are the purchase or sale price of the asset which generally the market price i.e. at the time of execution, the quantity on the market at the time of execution.


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