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Stock index futures rose and fell, IM main contract rose 0.12% | stock index futures_Sina Finance_Sina.com

On December 7, 2022, stock index futures rose and fell. The main contract of the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures (IF) fell 0.20%, the main contract of the Shanghai 50 stock index futures ( IH) fell 0.45%, and the main contract on the CSI 500 stock index (IC) futures The main contract on the China Securities 1000 stock index (IM) futures was up 0.12%.

On December 7, the broader market fluctuated throughout the day: the Shanghai Stock Exchange index fell slightly after rising, and the GEM index fluctuated and rebounded. On the record, pharmaceutical stocks rallied across the board, led by ursodeoxycholic acid concept stocks,pharmaceutical mutualHaichen PharmaceuticalsXuantai PharmaceuticalAverage daily limit of 20cm; stocks of antivirus fabric concept soared,Ruyi group4 boards,Anneldaily limit. Stocks in tourism and other consumer goods rallied in the afternoon,Guilin TourismQujiang cultural tourismdaily limit. On the downside, blue-chip sectors such as coal and real estate have seen adjustments.Urban developmentActions of the sunDeep room alimit down. Overall, individual shares were down more than up, and more than 2,800 individual shares were down in the two cities. Turnover on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets today was $948.6 billion, down $49.6 billion from the previous trading day. In terms of sectors, sectors such as ursodeoxycholic acid, antiviral textiles, tourism and traditional Chinese medicine were among the biggest gainers, while sectors such as coal, advanced packaging, industrial machinery and real estate were among the biggest declines. At the close, the Shanghai Index fell 0.4%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.17% and the ChiNext Index rose 0.87%. The net purchase of northbound funds during the day was 273 million yuan, of which the net sale of Shanghai Stock Connect was 1.391 billion yuan, and the net purchase of Shenzhen Stock Connect was 1.664 billion of yuan.

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Responsible editor: Zhao Siyuan

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