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Stock Exchange of Thailand Warns of False Information: Open a New Portfolio to Trade Gold, Receive Free Special Privileges

Because there is information aboutStock Exchange of Thailand website Open a new portfolio to trade gold Receive free special privileges The Anti-Fake News Center has investigated the facts with the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Found that such information is false information

From the case where investment is recommended on the Stock Exchange of Thailand website. Open a new portfolio to trade gold Receive free special privileges Just open a portfolio of 1000$ to receive 299$, 3000$ to receive 699$ and 5000$ to receive 999$ on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Has checked the information and clarified that The above information is not true. And the said website is not the website of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It is an impersonation of the name and logo. cause misunderstanding

Therefore, people are requested not to believe such information. and request cooperation in not sending or sharing such information on various social media channels and for the public to receive news and information from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Can be tracked at the website www.set.or.th or call 02-009-9999

The conclusion of this matter is: The above information is not true. And the said website is not the website of the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It is an impersonation of the name and logo. cause misunderstanding

2024-02-17 07:00:22
#Fake #news #dont #share #Stock #Exchange #Thailand #website #Open #portfolio #trade #gold #free #privileges #AntiFake #News #Center

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