Home » today » Business » Stock Exchange of Thailand Partners with Capital Market Sector to Catch Fake Investment Fraud

Stock Exchange of Thailand Partners with Capital Market Sector to Catch Fake Investment Fraud

Economic News13:29, 2023-07-24

Stock Exchange of Thailand Partnering with partners in the capital market sector, business organizations and government agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations Thai Bankers Association Thai Listed Companies Association Association of Listed Companies in the Market for Alternative Investment Association of Thai Securities Companies Association of Investment Management Companies Capital Market Development Fund Thailand Anti-Fake News Center, Technology Crime Investigation Bureau Announcement of intention to “cooperate – catch fake investment fraud” July 24, 2023 Exchange information Check and spot fake news.

along with a campaign to warn and reinforce people to build immunity with consciousness in order not to fall victim to fraudulent investment fraud Inviting expert speakers to share their opinions and experiences in order to find a solution for catching fake investment scams in the forum “Knowing Investment Scams” by Mr. Wetank Phuangsub, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Digital Economy and Society (DES), Mr. Vikrom Kromadit, Chairman of the Board of Amata Corporation Plc., Mr. Pichet Sithi-Amnuai, Association of Thai Securities Companies President, Mrs. Chavinda Hanratanakul, Association of Investment Management Companies, Mr. Rongrak Panapawuthikul, Deputy Manager of the Stock Exchange of Thailand

Mr. Pakorn Peetathawatchai, director and manager of the SET, said that due to the current situation, there are a large number of scammers persuading investors through social media. impersonating organizations, names, pictures, executives of many agencies including famous people to build credibility fraud to invest cause damage to the people affecting both the economy and society in a wide area

SET as the country’s investment platform Therefore, in cooperation with the capital market sector project initiative “Cooperate – catch fake investments” in which the first phase will jointly communicate by exposing the facts. Targeting fake news Along with providing knowledge to build immunity for investors and the public not to be victims of scammers through partner channels and media in a variety of formats that can reach the wider public And in the next phase, there will be integration between the capital market sector and government agencies. To develop a process to catch fraudulent investments quickly. and more efficient

Mr. Tawatchai Pittayasopon, Deputy Secretary-General, Acting Secretary-General of the SEC, said that online investment fraud is one of the threats that cause damage to many people. They often impersonate the name or logo of the SEC, agencies, companies, and people involved in the capital market sector. through various social media

The SEC is aware of the problem of fraudulent threats that are becoming more widespread at present and in the past, has continuously taken various measures to protect investors and the public. In order to obtain sufficient information and be able to protect themselves from such threats, the SEC is very pleased with the initiative. “Cooperation – catch fake investment fraud” which shows the seriousness of all sectors to help prevent investment fraud.

Mr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Chairman of the Federation of Thai Capital Market Business Council, said that the problem of scammers has started to increase more and more. Troubleshooting and prevention cannot be dealt with by an impersonated person or organization alone. Or is it a problem of one organization only? but must do the entire process starting from the deterrence and suppression at the same time that organizations in the capital market and the public sector jointly drive the project “Cooperating – catching fake investment fraud” is a good starting point to help solve the problem. reduce economic losses Do not let people become victims of scammers.

Mr. Payong Srivanich, president of the Thai Bankers’ Association, said that the Thai Bankers’ Association and its member banks aware of the impact of financial disasters And investment fraud, especially “Ponzi schemes” that are hidden in the name of “savings” or “investment”, cause serious damage to the economic system. Therefore has cooperated with relevant agencies Issue financial protection measures continuously. Both preventive measures, such as canceling sending SMS, e-mail, attaching a link to remind mobile banking users before every transaction. Scan your face to verify your identity before transferring more than 50,000 baht per time, or accumulated transfers of 200,000 baht per day per account, or increase the transfer limit from 50,000 baht or more. Detection and tracking measures Developing a system for exchanging fraudulent information in the banking sector (Central Fraud Registry) to detect suspicious transactions and horse accounts. Helps prevent and limit damage faster. and response and countermeasures By providing an urgent contact channel (Hotline) 24 hours a day, 7 days in order to deal with the problem for victims faster.

In addition, it also attaches importance to building a protective shield by providing “financial literacy” to all groups of people. “Start with yourself” People must regularly check their own financial transaction information. Analyze and verify information thoroughly every time before investing. Keep up with financial disaster news. to be aware of cheats Not being a victim of crooks

Miss Angkhana Thepprasertwangsa secretary and director The Thai Listed Companies Association said that listed companies were falsely used by fraudsters to fraudulently invest. Causing damage to people who believe, at the same time, listed companies are also considered victims. Especially in terms of credibility, the association is aware of such problems and will communicate to listed companies to join a campaign to create understanding among the public. Along with taking legal steps

Mr. Wirat Sukchai, President of the Association of Listed Companies in the Market for Alternative Investment (mai), said that from the current situation of fraudulent investors. On the entrepreneur side who was impersonated to deceive money from the public There must be a way to prevent anyone from impersonating by announcing it to the public. including prosecuting offenders At the same time, people must protect their own money from being deceived by anyone. By observing various suspicions from propaganda, promises of impossible returns, which the association will jointly create immunity for both listed companies and the general public to reduce potential losses from such investment scams

Mr. Pichet Sithi-Amnuai, president of the Association of Thai Securities Companies, said that nowadays, people are interested in learning and investing more for their financial goals. Which is a good thing, just have to choose investments carefully. Because in the online world, especially social media, there are many hidden fraudsters. The public must consider it as a properly accredited company. Including analyzing information and returns that invite whether it is credible or not, the association and securities companies will jointly communicate and notify the public through various channels continuously.

Mrs. Chavinda Hanratanakul, president of the Association of Investment Management Companies, said that at present there are many fraudulent advertisements inviting people to invest in mutual funds with inflated returns within a short period of time. The advertisement is not related to the investment management company in any way. The investment management business must be authorized by the SEC only, and advertisements inviting people to invest in mutual funds must be subject to the rules set by the SEC. Don’t be fooled into believing.

Mr. Chanan Chanchainarong, Manager of the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF), said that one of the CMDF’s key missions is to enhance knowledge and understanding about the capital market, investment, and capital market development for investors and the general public. Including a project on immunization in investment scams to the public that will soon be published.

invite the public “Cooperate – catch fake investments” Czech pointed out if he saw an invitation to invest with an inflated return within a short period of time or impersonating famous organizations and people. Don’t be fooled into investing. and examine the information carefully. Please inquire directly with the organization referred to. or check the list of people Operators of business or financial services that they are licensed by regulators

By InfoQuest News Agency (24 July ’23)

Tags: SEC, Stock Exchange of Thailand, Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations, Thai Bankers’ Association, Securities and Exchange Commission, investment scam, MAI
2023-07-24 06:33:09
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