Home » today » News » Stock catalog of the Westfälisches Antiquariat Ignaz Seiling, Münster i. W. (Catalogue No. 10) (Münster i. W.: Seiling)

Stock catalog of the Westfälisches Antiquariat Ignaz Seiling, Münster i. W. (Catalogue No. 10) (Münster i. W.: Seiling)


Mk. Pf.
374 (Dülmen.) (Anna Kath. Emmerich.) Lutterbeck, Th., doctor, the youngest
Investigation concerning the nun to Dülmen in August 1819. Dorst. 1 75
375 (—) (—) Pabst, JH, a word about i.e. ecstasy, caused through d. Writing:
“D bitter sufferings us. Lord Jesus Christ”. after d. consideration, i.
godsend Anna Katharina Emmerich, Sulzbach 1833, ue üb. same
happened reviews Cologne 1834. — 60
376 (-) (-) Rensing, BAB, Bericht üb. d. Appearances bd AK
Emmerich, choir sister d. cancelled. Klosters Agnetenberg in Dülmen,
vd Med.-Rath Lived m. Conflicts. Thirst. 1818. 1 50
377 (—) (—) Schmoger,,.KE, d. life d- gottsel. Anna Catherine Emmerich.
2 Bde. Frbg. 1867, 70. (11, -) Htz. Violate. 8 –
378 (—) (—) — — edit excerpt. color 1885. Hfz. 4 80
379 (—) (—) Wiesmann, JH Fr., historical communication about i.e. City of Dulmen
& their charity institutions. Coesfeld 1848. 1 50
Further essay under no. 1678.
380 (Düren.) View of the town from a bird’s eye view in copper engraving with
Description from Merian around 1650. 27% : 30%. 3 50
381 (Düsseldorf.) View d. City in Kupferst, a. Merian about 1650. 20:32. 3 50
382 (- ) Exhibition of arts and crafts. Antiquities in Düsseldorf 1880.
2nd AD The first ll. brown spot. — 30
383 (—) Fahne, A., d. Düsseldorf School of Painters in 1834, 35 and 36. E.
Scripture full of curse. Thoughts. duss 1837. (2,—) — 75
384 (—) Ferber, H., histor. hike through d. old city Dusseldorf.
M. 2 plans. duss 1888, 89. 1 —
385 (–) trade and art exhibition Düsseldorf 1880. M. num. illustration
D. 1881. Orig.-Lwd. 4. 10 –
386 (—) Official Catalog d. IV. general German art exhibition in
Düsseldorf 1880. — 40
387 (—) Müller v. Königswinter, W., Düsseldorf artist from d. last
25 years. art history letters. Lpz. 1854. Holy (6,—) 4 —
388 (—) Scotti, J.L, d. Düsseldorf painter school or art academy
in 1834—36. Düss. 1837. — 60
389 (—) Descript. Directory of in d. city ​​painting collection
Düsseldorf near works of art. D. 1857. — 20
390 (—) Werner, W., topographer. card d. reg. dussekloff. cref. 1837.
In Futteral. (4.50) 1 20
391 (Eggeringhausen near Paderborn.) D. Edelherr Symon von der Lippe
sells the von dem Busche brothers a house in Eggeringhausen.
Orig. Pergt. document dated July 6, 1340 with attached seal. 25 —
392 (Ehrenbreitstein.) The fortress of Ehrenbreitstein or Hennanstein,
and like those of the Keyseris. Ploquirt and taken Anno 1636.
copperplate engraving Merian. 28 : 36. 3 50
393 Eickhoff, H., d. 30 years. war in d. fttrstbishopl. Osnabruck. Offices Recken
berg and Grafsch. Rheda. on record message ov. i.e. history i.e. war
in U.S. Area. M. 1 image. Gütersl. 1882. 4. 2 —
394 Einhardi annales ed. GH Pertz. Hann. 1845 — 75
395 (Elberfeld.) Lempens, C., History d. City of Elberfeld vd oldest.
Time until Gegenw. M. 2 Anh. Elb. 1888. 1 50

Elpe. Treatise on this place under no. 1708.
396 (Emden.) View d. City ad Vogelschau in Kupferst, m. description.
(3 folio pages) from Merian ca. 1650. 28% : 35%. . 4 —
397 (Emmerich.) View of the city and Fort Orangie v. 1647.
Copper, from Merian. 20:35%. 3 —
398 (—) View of the city in Kupferst, from Merian around 1650. 9:32. 2 25
399 (—) Schneider, J., d.’ Eltenberg and Montferland b. Emmerich. contribution
e.g. history i.e. Roman fortifications on d. law. Rhine side. With
2 Ans. u. 2 The lawn. Em. 1845. 1 25
Stock Catalog No. 10.

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