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Still pounding in the chest. ‘Iron Wolf’ ‘Jauni’ Album Review

The multi-headed crowd of fans of the “Iron Wolf” group, which has been cultivated for many years at countless concerts, can finally breathe a sigh of relief – they continue to create, and in full force. With the title of the fifteenth album “Jauni” it is emphasized even more that “it is not the end yet”.

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What can be heard instantly on this album, released after a seven-year hiatus in the studio, is the close-knit musical core of “Wolf,” which can only come by playing, playing, and playing together again. Before and now even after the pandemic, the feeling that “Iron Wolf” is performing constantly and everywhere does not go away. Thus, the group has already become close to its fans and knows very well what they need and what is not needed.

In addition, there is nothing superfluous in the album “Jauni”: there are ten melodic, purposeful rock-disco hits about good old love and, of course, about the bohemian, which, perhaps, neither the band members themselves nor their fans of different ages are really having more these days. Times have changed, but who prevented times and worlds from being fantasized in art?

Contrary to the expectation that “Iron Wolf” could rush furiously into singing the darkness of the world plagued by pandemic and war, Juris Kaukulis and his three best friends even offer a surprisingly sunny and melancholy optimistic vision of how we should live. He namely, he spits and continues to love and celebrate and dance. Not a bad offer at all.

If we talk about the artistic value, then yes, perhaps we would expect some more innovative, more experimental releases from such an experienced group, because only then can popular music change, when famous musicians dare to take slippery lateral steps and accustom the masses of listeners to the fact that there is another way. .

There is no special innovation here, although Juris Kaukulis has already started using electronic music instruments, further complementing the sonic palette of “Vilka’s” head of electronics, Kaspars Tobjas. The group takes a safe route, delivering, one might say, ten pophits in their own well-seasoned sauce, of which also eight hitherto unheard-of will no doubt become the next sing-along, skip-and-joy-joy-shout songs too, which “hit not just in the face but in the chest.”

The two hits of the new album that have already been heard and, most likely, left for the end of the album, are “Glaze”, which has been tested many times in concerts, and of course the anthem “Tās dël nav beigas ” from the light genre film “Class Reunion”, which according to one of the standards of modern music – the Internet site “YouTube” – has already reached half a million views.

Basically, “Iron Wolf” has become a surefire and proven phenomenon on our music scene. It has found its niche – not yet occupied by the Latvian code – and is attracting an increasing number of listeners. For this, of course, a strong handshake.

However, as a connoisseur of music, I would like to expect a few bolder leaps from the “wolves”, but it may be that they themselves do not want it so much and feel very comfortable in the easy-to-understand rock music palace , which they have built and which they keep balls about the devil and god asshole accessible to all.

So that the newly created road was also well paved, a stable value of Latvian folk music – Gatis Zaķis – was called to help this time, with the participation of studio producer Aldi Zaļuksni. Smooth asphalting does not have to mean artificially overproduced content, because the sound honed by the life of the band has been preserved as much as possible, for which, of course, more than once – all respect!

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