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Still other covid infections at the Oristano hospital. Medical admissions diverted, limitations to visits


Some health workers in the Medicine department are positive

New coronavirus infections in the Medicine department of the San Martino di Oristano hospital where about twenty cases of positivity were recorded yesterday among patients and healthcare personnel. The new infections concern the health personnel, while the outcome of numerous swabs performed in the last hours is awaited and it is feared that the numbers of the infected may rise again.

The situation is very delicate in the hospital of Oristano, where in recent days the Neurorehabilitation department had to be closed due to another outbreak of covid.

According to what has been learned, attempts are being made to transfer positive patients from the Medicine Department to Bosa, Ghilarza and to the covid departments.

In the meantime, the new hospitalizations are mostly diverted to the San Gavino hospital.

In addition, temporary restrictions have been decided on the access of family members of the hospitalized, providing only those for cases of extreme necessity.

The situation of the San Martino hospital is of great concern and there is the utmost attention to its evolution.


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