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Still Debating Points for New York Budget | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

covid 19, besides thatesesta helps you protectothers in your environment.presenter: and at this time thenew york state continuesno budget for the newfiscal periodviolet: good afternoon, andtomorrow Monday both thegovernor likelegislators do not agreeagreement as tostate Budget,possibly approximately60 thousand state employeeswere left unpaid in thenext fortnight nowwhy is this so importantbudget for the >no?and it is from here they dependLasáridas that each person goesto receive and here I tell youwhat are the pointsimportant to be discussed inthe budget, is the stadiumIt’s buffalo bills with abudget up to$1,100,000,000, the reform to theparty law, funds forinfant finger reliefpay the price of gasoline,funds for the programemergency to pay rent,salary increase tosupport workers infor health coverage,this would benefit 150,000low-income people whothey are undocumented.a legislator and he explains to uswhy them and also thegovernor have not been ablereach agreement forapproval of this money.>> several colleagues had avigil and we did a littlestrike, to ensure that allthis problem and all theserealities are carried in thebudget that maybereporter: ta at 11:00 pmI’ll tell you something about

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