Home » today » Health » Still Confused About the Difference Between Corona Virus and Common Influenza? These are the Similarities and Differences Between the Two

Still Confused About the Difference Between Corona Virus and Common Influenza? These are the Similarities and Differences Between the Two

Intisari-Online.com – Even though it has been a pandemic for six months virus Corona is among us, maybe some are still confused between equation and difference symptoms with influenza the usual.

Many still compare it with virus cause influenza so thought that this is virus Covid-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says, virus new corona and virus flu both cause respiratory illness.

However, there is difference important between the two virus and how to spread it.

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“This has important implications for public health measures that can be implemented to respond to each virus,” the WHO said on its official website.

What do the new coronavirus and influenza have in common?

According to WHO, there are two similarities between the new corona virus and influenza, namely:

First, the new corona virus and influenza have similar symptoms.

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