Yvonne Coldeweijer stays with it
To be honest, we don’t believe it a deceased hamster was removed from a celebrity’s anusbecause here is a classic sandwich you history of the hamster (read also: this link in our topic yesterday), but because we like to keep you posted on the latest developments, here’s an update. Yvonne Coldeweijer herself is still convinced that the story is true. You write this in response to our topic. “After Hamster’s story was published, it was confirmed. This spy suddenly mentioned the celebrity’s name in DM (and she was the only one who got it right). The spy had a photo that weekend (at the early last year) received with celeb, discharged from hospital with the caption that this celeb had something surgically removed from his anoe He confirmed this including name, without me mentioning the name [emoji met het hoofd schuin, de oogjes dicht en tranen van het lachen] Spion thought it was nonsense at the time, so he thought no more about it. So yeah, I still think this story is true and more people know about this incident. This is a VERY famous Dutchman [emoji met het hoofd schuin, de oogjes dicht en tranen van het lachen]”. But yes. Now we still don’t know who!
PS Yes, there was a photo of a guinea pig in the previous topic, but it (probably) didn’t die in a celebrity’s anus
Boris van der Hamster denies!