Home » today » Health » still 55 cases, a new epidemiological square as of Monday • TNTV Tahiti Nui Television

still 55 cases, a new epidemiological square as of Monday • TNTV Tahiti Nui Television

139 tests were carried out Saturday by health workers, while no one was found positive for the Covid-19 virus. 1,441 tests have been done since the start of the epidemic, and 552 since the start of the week. Vigilance remains essential with respect for barrier gestures and general confinement.

Two people are also cured of the coronavirus to date. One person is still hospitalized, and no deaths have been reported.

As a reminder, the first confirmed case in Polynesia was detected on March 11. Each confirmed case is the subject of an investigation by the Office of public health surveillance, with its entourage.

A new epidemiological square

Health authorities will propose, from Monday, the reading of a new epidemiological square presenting the figures linked to the epidemic.

This new square will be made public every day at the end of the morning between 11:30 a.m. and noon, in order to allow the analysis teams to integrate into their statistics the results of the analyzes performed on D-1 in the morning and in the afternoon. .

The novelty is to include in the current data much awaited information, “people no longer showing signs of the disease”, the number of which will be subtracted from the square showing people still carrying the virus.

To date, 19 (18 + foreign patient) people can be released from strict isolation because they no longer show clinical signs.

The term “cure” is not mentioned: scientists do not have the necessary perspective on the disease. However, these people are no longer sick. They will be allowed to break out of strict isolation, and will remain subject to the rules of general confinement, scrupulously respecting the barrier measures. Other clearances from strict confinement will follow in the coming days.

The criteria for leaving strict confinement are: the absence of symptoms for at least 14 days or even 3 weeks for certain patients, examination by a doctor, at home, at the time of their release from isolation.

Find the curve of the evolution of the epidemic in Polynesia and the figures in the Pacific by clicking HERE

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