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Stigma and Discrimination Barriers to Tuberculosis Free Indonesia 2030

Suara.com – Stigma and discrimination is still often experienced by patients tuberculosis or TB. This not only hinders treatment, but also Indonesia’s goal of being free of tuberculosis by 2030.

In fact, the Director of Prevention and Control of Direct Infectious Diseases or P2PML of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi said that discrimination and stigma in tuberculosis patients were included in human rights violations.

“The main problem is not only disease, but social problems such as human rights violations and stigma are still approaching, and this will hinder the fulfillment of the rights of patients and tuberculosis survivors. Including access to services,” he said at the event “TBC Stigma and Other Barriers”, Monday (14/6/2021).

Tuberculosis (TB) is still a burden in Indonesia. (Shutterstock)

Nadia continued, that the discrimination experienced by patients is not only from the community, but also from their families and workplaces. This situation can worsen the patient’s condition.

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So that the patient is reluctant to go to the hospital and check the condition of Tuberculosis he is experiencing. Slowly it also affects his psychology.

“If someone suffers from tuberculosis at work, it is hoped that they can be given leave to complete their treatment. But what we often face is that patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis actually experience layoffs for fear of spreading it to other employees,” he continued.

The problem of tuberculosis, continued dr. Nadia is still a global disease. As well as a deadly disease in the world that has taken lives.

“While we know that there is a cure for tuberculosis, we just have to find the sufferer. On the other hand, TB also causes germs to stay in our bodies,” he concluded.

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