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Stiff Neck Becomes A Typical Sign Of Meningitis Symptoms

A stiff neck can be characterized by an inability to bend the head when lying down.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Stiffness in the neck is a typical sign when a person, including a child, has meningitis. “What is unique is because it attacks the lining of the brain, we can see a stiff neck. If we bend the head while he is lying down, we can’t, because there is stiffness. meningitis and this is very difficult,” said a pediatrician from the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI), Dr. Dr. Vonny Ingkiriwang, SpA, in a health webinar, quoted Monday (28/3/2022).

Symptoms of meningitis can also be seen from the patient’s difficulty seeing light and feeling dazzled. The patient usually looks confused because the infection in his head is causing headache severe and has a high fever.

“To be sure, we usually do an examination of bone marrow fluid,” said Vonny.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the fluid and membranes (meninges) that surround your brain and spinal cord, one of which is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) which can also cause pneumonia when it attacks the lungs. Consultant pulmonology specialist in internal medicine dr. Herikurniawan Sp.PD, KP, FINASIM said that the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae normally resides in the nose and throat. But when he comes out, for example, aspirated into the lungs, it causes pneumonia.

“If bacteria enter the blood, they can enter the lining of the brain, causing meningitis. If they enter the ear, it can cause an ear infection,” said he, who practices at the RSCM-FKUI.

In terms of transmission, bacteria can be transmitted from an infected person to another person through droplets, for example when he coughs and sneezes like COVID-19 and pulmonary TB. “That’s why it’s important for people to wear masks when they’re sick. When they talk or cough, germs can be accommodated in the masks so they don’t spread in the air,” said Herikurniawan.

Speaking of groups at risk of being infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria as one of the causes of pneumonia, children less than 2 years of age are one of them. The reason is because the antibodies that are obtained since a child is born from their mother, plus breastfeeding at the age of approaching 2 years are generally running out. In addition, there is also the influence of other factors, namely the baby’s immune system is still immature so that the baby is susceptible to infectious diseases caused by bacteria.

Elderly and people with comorbid conditions, although not elderly such as HIV patients, do not have a spleen so that their immune system is not good, people with kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes and dialysis patients are also in the risk group. Immunization is said to protect the body from the risk of getting infected. infectious disease. The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) recommends the pneumococcal vaccine or PCV to protect children from pneumococcal disease or pneumonia.

Complete PCV immunization can be given to infants aged 2,4,6,12-15 months. If you are behind schedule, then you need to consult with your pediatrician to get PCV immunization. In adults, there are two types of pneumococcal vaccine, namely PCV13 and PPSV23. PCV13 is given to people over 50 years old while PPSV23 is given to people over 60 years old with 1 dose each.

source: Between

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