The flight attendant returned to the beauty institution for treatment, but was subjected to “bloodletting surgery”. (Picture / flip from Weibo)
Horrible medical errors were reported in Shaanxi, China. After a flight attendant completed a course of hyaluronic acid injections, she felt pain and erythema at the injection site. Unexpectedly, she went to the same clinic for treatment and received more than 200 injections on her head. Bloodletting” treatment nearly killed her. What’s even more outrageous is that the doctor in charge not only disappeared after the incident, but the clinic didn’t have any information about the “doctor”.
According to comprehensive land media reports, when the flight attendant was admitted to Xi’an Central Hospital, her ears were already bleeding. After further consultation, it was discovered that the flight attendant had a headache and erythema after the hyaluronic acid injection, so she returned to the beauty institution for help. Unexpectedly, the doctor in the clinic took bloodletting treatment on her.
A doctor at Xi’an Central Hospital said,Hyaluronic acid injection is a high-risk operationif hyaluronic acid enters the blood vessels, it will cause many adverse effects, such as edema and bleeding at the injection site, or local necrosis, bruising on the face, and even cell damage. In severe cases, it may even endanger life. environment to execute.
However, due to the negligence of the doctor in the beauty institution, the stewardess who had a right temporal embolism and was bled was not only unable to find the doctor involved afterwards, but the staff of the beauty institution did not even know the information of the “doctor”. Agencies talk about reconciliation. Local health regulators have stepped in to investigate.