Taking out a credit card is always a decision that must be made with all five senses. It’s not anything. You need to be aware, first, that it is not extra money, that it is not money that you can use so as not to pay it later and go into debt even with more than one plastic.
Among the conventional options of banking institutions that are already old and have been known for many years, there are others that are expanding their offer and as their demand increases, questions about how to get a credit card of this type also increase. In this case, the credit card Payment Market It is one of the most recurrent, so we share with you the requirements to become one of them.
How do I get the Mercado Pago credit card step by step?
First, you must download the Mercado Pago app and enter the credit card application option. Subsequently, you must follow these steps:
- Fill out the application with the information requested: from your name, to your address, your identification details and your CURP.
- When you submit the application, the Mercado Pago team will review your information and evaluate your information as well as your eligibility.
- If you are approved, you will be able to immediately use the digital credit card for online purchases.
- You can also request delivery of the physical card.
- Schedule delivery according to your preferences and wait to receive it in the comfort of your home.
- You can also choose the date on which you will pay your card and you will also select the payment method that best suits you.
What are the requirements to get a Mercado Pago credit card?
The requirements that you must meet to get the Mercado Pago credit card are:
- Be of age
- Have Mexican nationality
- Have an address in Mexico
- Possess a valid official identification with photo and signature
- Have your CURP
- Have an account and the Mercado Pago app on your cell phone
2023-09-21 18:40:44
#Mercado #Pago #credit #card #step #step