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Step-by-Step Guide: Washing Hair for Bedridden Elders

Author: YouCare

Image: shutterstock (illustration not party involved)

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There are many benefits of washing your hair. Not only can it remove dirt, oil and sweat from your hair and scalp, keep your hair and scalp dry and reduce dandruff problems, it can also promote blood circulation and reduce stress and tension, which can help improve your health. Sleep quality.

This seemingly simple and daily routine becomes a more complicated and trivial task when the elders are bedridden due to health problems and unable to wash their hair by themselves, and they need someone to assist them in completing it.

Regardless of whether they are bedridden or not, washing hair is not only an important part of maintaining personal hygiene for the elderly, but also a way to relax physically and mentally. Therefore, it is very important to help the elderly wash their hair carefully and patiently to make them feel comfortable and happy. .

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Here are some step-by-step suggestions to help you care for a bedridden elder:

Preparatory work:

●Put on an apron and take off accessories such as watches and bracelets.

●Wash your hands

●Preparation of utensils and clothing

Steps to wash your hair in bed:

1. Prepare water and measure the water temperature with the inside of your wrist to reach the appropriate temperature.

2. Place the shampoo tank (put a plastic bag and a large towel under the shampoo tank) under the neck, and support the affected limb appropriately.

3. The drain outlet of the shampoo tank extends beyond the edge of the bed.

4. Place a bucket under the drain end of the shampoo tank.

5. First pour some water on the elder’s head and ask if the water temperature is appropriate.

6. Wash your hair with appropriate amount of shampoo and moisturize your hair with conditioner.

7. When washing hair, gently rub the elder’s head with your fingertips.

8. Be careful not to let water flow into the elder’s ears and eyes, and observe whether there are any abnormalities on the elder’s scalp.

9. Make sure your hair is clean and there is no residue of shampoo or conditioner.

10. Let the elders lie down and use a hair dryer to dry their hair and comb it neatly.

When helping bedridden elders wash their hair, we not only need skills and patience, but also care and attention. In this process, we can chat and tell jokes with our elders to make them feel relaxed and happy. For bedridden elders, it is a kind of care and consideration to have someone help them wash their hair.

Although it is important to care for and show consideration to the elders. But the most important thing is that you should pay more attention to your own hygiene and health. Wear an apron and wash your hands before doing homework to avoid bringing viruses and bacteria to your elders. At the same time, hair washing utensils and clothing should also be kept clean and disinfected to avoid cross-infection.

In this way, not only can the elders enjoy the process of washing their hair, but it can also make them feel full of warmth and care!

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(This article is reprinted with the permission of “Excellent Care”, the original text is published here)

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2023-11-07 07:50:55

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